Parent classification: recognize yourself in one of the types

We think that we are unique, but in fact we all have a lot in common. For example, as parents, we certainly relate to one degree or another to one of the types already described. We offer you a classification of parents, which helps to look at yourself (and at that terrible dad from the next entrance) from the outside.

“Parenthood is a great opportunity to ruin someone’s life from the very beginning,” noted the famous American comedian and TV presenter John Stewart. While you resign yourself to this thought, we offer you several methods to achieve the goal. Here are just a few of them: to strangle in the arms, to leave to the mercy of fate, or to give all power to children.

By your actions, it is easy to determine what type of parent you belong to. If you’re interested in what your friends and neighbors think of you, check out our dedicated Parenting Glossary.


Helicopters are parents who plan their children’s lives from infancy to graduate school and dedicate their lives to “air cover.”

Tellingly, the endless attempts to prepare children for “adult life”, while simultaneously protecting them from the “harsh world”, lead to the fact that such parents often grow up nervous and dependent children.

Everything you need to know about this type of behavior is described by its Japanese name: “monster parent.”

Remember, every child deserves adults their five minutes of shame and laughter from ridiculous and beautiful memories of youthful stupidity.


A parent who builds a chain of prohibitions and restrictions around the child in order to maintain his power and control.


On the scale of parental types, dolphins are somewhere between robot moms and rogues: not only fun and friendly, but also smart.

Parents of this type, on the one hand, set clear and unchanging rules of the game, but on the other hand, leave room for children’s independence and creativity. The two dolphins try to work together, setting a positive example for the child.

Kyoku mother

Mom, to the point of madness focused on children’s education. Encourages the child to learn with kind words and gifts, which would be nice if not for the fact that the kyoku mom completely ignores his mental and physical health in the process.

Robot mothers

The most well-known type of parent in this dictionary. Professional psychologists call this type of behavior the “authoritarian parent.”

Typical manifestations: unrealistic demands and expectations, totalitarian severity, harsh punishments for disobedience and failure, and the icing on the cake is a complete inability to dialogue: “Because I said so!”

mother transport

A subspecies of helicopters that dedicates its life to moving beloved children between school, language courses, a chess club, football training and a swimming pool – all for the “harmonious development of personality.”


Guided in the upbringing of children by two principles. First: unconditional, unquestioning love for children. Second, let children learn from their own mistakes.

The role of a parent is to observe and guide, look under their feet and avoid pitfalls on the path of life, the children themselves must. The main thing is to maintain balance: do not interfere, but do not take all the work on yourself; guide, but leave room for discovery.


It is about raising (or rather not raising) children, when they are not limited in anything and more or less allowed to do whatever they want.


They allow children to live in their rhythm, and do not impose their own. “Yes!” games, knowledge and reasonable risk; “No!” – endless watching TV, eating sweets and other consumption. It would seem wonderful, but unhurried parents deprive all these charms of life not only of their children, but also of themselves.


Everything is the opposite here: a sleep and feeding schedule is created for the child, which is most convenient for mom and dad. It’s as if they’re saying to a baby: “Tune in, baby.”

It would seem that orderliness is good. There is one “but”

In this scheme, if for some reason the children did not eat or sleep at the set time, sleep and food are not postponed, but simply transferred to the next scheduled time.

“French people”

Parenting style, relaxed and lazy, like a May evening on the Cote d’Azur. This type of parent doesn’t worry about their kids breaking their noses on the playground or going hungry, and they don’t feel the need to reward good behavior, only punish bad behavior.

All children are supposed to grow up to be well-mannered and independent gourmets of their own accord. By a strange coincidence, this is how French children, as a rule, grow up.

Beast Fathers

A male variation on the robot mom theme. People of this type probably closed this article at the stage of reading a Jon Stewart joke.


An authoritative type of parent who seeks to decide for himself and for his partner how the relationship between the child and mom and dad will be arranged. Achieve their goals by usurping control over home life.

The gatekeeper decides what is possible and what is not, commands the husband / wife and children, asks for help, but he always knows better how to help him … and constantly criticizes, humiliates, ridicules and stings. In common parlance, such parents are called bitchy.


At the forefront of the educational corner is the maximum closeness between the parent and the child; the goal is a strong emotional connection. Parents of this type believe that the result of such upbringing is trusting relationships in the family and the independence of the child in later life.

Typical signs are: long breastfeeding, constant wearing of the baby in a sling and the baby sleeping in the parent’s bed. And all this, imagine, came up with a man!

Synchronized cultivation

It goes well with the type of “mom-transport”. In an attempt to reveal all possible talents in a child, parents enroll them in a dozen different sections at the same time.

Do children want to be involved? What’s the difference!

After all, a child who attended eight different circles in childhood is statistically more successful in school and at work. And that, according to statistics, such children, as a rule, have more prosperous and successful parents – nothing more than a coincidence, isn’t it? ..


The opposite end of the parent spectrum from robot mom and beast dad. The triumph of the idea “the child should sit on the parent’s neck for as long as he can.”

Such parents forgive their children in general everything, because they are completely devoid of the ability to control the situation, set rules and formulate their expectations.

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