Parasites in the body. The list of potential symptoms is really long. Check!

Parasites are ubiquitous. We can become infected with them by playing with a beloved pet, eating unwashed fruit or vegetables, and through contact with an infected person. The presence of parasites in our body may be asymptomatic. However, it is also possible that we do not initially associate our ailments with parasites. The list of potential symptoms of parasitic diseases is really long and varied.

Parasites – symptoms

Weakness, constipation or diarrhea are the most basic symptoms of parasites in our body. However, problems with memory or emotional disorders may surprise. Here is a list of the most common symptoms:

  1. constipation 
  2. diarrhea,
  3. vomiting,
  4. weakness, 
  5. cough, 
  6. apathy / malaise, 
  7. fever,
  8. fast weight loss,
  9. headaches,
  10. excessive craving for sweets, 
  11. anemia, 
  12. emotional disorders, 
  13. problems with memory.
  1. Parasites live in us, which is why it is worth deworming

Parasites – examination and prevention

Of course, the symptoms listed above are not clear cut. They can be a sign of many other diseases. Therefore, in order to be sure what we are dealing with, it is worth carrying out appropriate research.

It is best to do a blood or stool test to detect parasites. Microscopic examination of the stool makes it possible to detect cysts, eggs and larvae of parasites. On the other hand, a blood test can show antibodies produced in the body during contact with the parasite.

You can buy a mail-order examination of the intestinal microflora and intestinal markers for parasites at

It is also worth remembering about prophylaxis, i.e. thorough washing of fruits and vegetables, frequent change of bed linen, towels and basic hygiene rules. If we have pets, we should deworm them every 3-4 months.

You can buy a mail order parasite test at Medonet Market. The result is delivered in the form of a report by letter or e-mail within 10 working days.

During the treatment period, use Worms prophylactically and supportively – a mixture of herbs with tansy and wormwood in the composition, or a liquid dietary supplement against parasites Para Herbal Mix containing extracts of: thyme herb, marshmallow herb, pumpkin seeds, garlic tubers and sage leaves.

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