
Because of you, I don’t have a scholarship!

It’s time for sunny spring: the end of the semester, the session is coming soon. On the street there is a bright sun, which I missed so much during the winter, birds sing, a warm breeze blows and I absolutely do not want to study, but I want to walk and enjoy nature.

Alas, along with spring, the session is approaching. Many students of the session are not afraid: they have worked wholeheartedly all semester and now they are waiting for their lawful machines.

The last lesson, the subject is biochemistry. At the last lesson, they accept those debts that have accumulated over the semester: I was sick here, I left here — you can finish everything and get a machine gun. Two classmates had to prepare abstracts on the missed topics. One of them forgot the essay in the evening, after spending the evening talking about ICQ. Now — he sits worried: «Oh, what will I tell the teacher?», He does not know what to do with himself. Having survived, she decides to ask her friend what to do. A friend, after thinking, advises to approach the teacher and, apologizing, ask to transfer the defense of the essay. The teacher is reasonable, you can talk with him, most likely he will treat you with understanding — anything can happen in life.

The unprepared girl continues to worry: it’s scary to approach the teacher, it’s disgusting and boring to sit and wait for classes.

Five minutes later, it turns out that her head and stomach ached in the strongest way, and in general she was sick, weak and unhappy, she urgently needed to go home. Without talking to the teacher, she goes home.

At the lesson, those who defended their debts received machine guns. The departed girl, as expected, no — she still had a debt. A friend approached the teacher, explained the situation of the departed friend, — the teacher said that the departed girl should come to him herself and they would talk.

A friend writes a text message about this to a sick and dying woman, and a text message comes in response — I’m at a concert now, I’ll call you later.

The result was quite sad, she didn’t get the automatic machine, because she didn’t come on time to take the essay, overdue for two weeks, she accused her friend of not telling her when to take the essays, she was preparing for the exam anyhow, she passed the subject for three and left without a scholarship.

Her first phrase on September 1 to a friend was: “Because of you, I don’t have a scholarship” …

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