Paramedic: A sick ambulance worker often rides connected to a drip. If he does not show up for duty, he has to pay a contractual penalty

– A sick ambulance worker often rides connected to an IV drip, because if he does not show up for duty, he has to pay a contractual penalty – said Michał Drożdż – a paramedic who was Bartosz Węglarczyk’s guest in the Onet Morning program. – Do I feel so sick that I am unable to work and do I have to pay a fine for it? – Bartosz Węglarczyk asked the visitor, surprised.

– Yes, because we are all companies, there are over 550 rescuers on our own business in the Warsaw emergency service. Of course, this is a fictional activity, I do not compete with anyone and I am not fighting for a client.

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– If you get sick in such a way that you can fight to keep you working (infection, contusion of the finger), and you will not find a replacement for duty, which is difficult in the era of the lack of medics, you still have to work on this duty put – the lifeguard explained in an interview with Bartosz Węglarczyk.

As he added, if he is to organize a replacement, he must indicate a person who has a signed contract with the Warsaw ambulance service, which is an additional difficulty.

– Of course, if he breaks my hand and the employer sees it, he can help arrange a replacement, or at least refrain from enforcing penalties – explained Drożdż. However, rescuers receive this type of support only in the case of very serious diseases or random situations.

Read also:

  1. “I did not have such luxuries in Poland”. A lifeguard tells you what it is like to work in Great Britain
  2. Mysterious disappearance of a young doctor. Did she die on September 11?
  3. How much do rescuers in other countries earn? Here are the highest salaries

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