Paraffin baths for hands and feet. Video
Paraffin is used not only for the manufacture of candles, it is still quite popular in medicine and cosmetology. Thus, paraffin therapy is used in the treatment of the spine, skin diseases, diseases of the respiratory system, as well as for the care of hands and feet.
Paraffin baths for hands and feet
The uniqueness of cosmetic paraffin is that it has a high heat capacity: a heated product is capable of giving off its heat for a long time. And, as you know, when the temperature of the skin rises, the metabolic processes occurring in the cells of the tissue are significantly improved, blood circulation is accelerated and the water balance is normalized. In addition, after the first paraffin therapy procedures, the skin becomes soft and velvety, and problems such as microcracks, irritation and peeling disappear. When frozen, paraffin squeezes the skin (makes it immobile), resulting in fewer wrinkles. Therefore, the additional benefits of paraffin therapy include wrinkle smoothing.
For the care of hands and feet, paraffin baths are used. If such a procedure is performed in a beauty salon, as a rule, it consists of several stages:
- steaming the skin
- peeling
- applying a revitalizing serum to the skin and massage
- paraffin therapy
At the first stage, the skin of the hands or feet is steamed: for this, a warm bath is made, into the water of which a little sea salt or a few drops of aromatic oils are added. After that, exfoliation is performed. This procedure is the application of a special salt scrub to the skin, which contains essential oils. As a result, the skin is freed from keratinized particles and is saturated with useful biologically active components.
At the next stage, the cleansed skin is covered with nourishing oil or a regenerating serum, after which a ten-minute relaxing massage is performed. After the nutrient mixture is absorbed into the skin, hands or feet are immersed in a paraffin bath heated to 41 ° C. Then thin rubber gloves are put on the hands (the legs are wrapped in foil). After 20-25 minutes, the gloves (or film) are removed and you enjoy an amazing result – radiant and moisturized skin.
How to make paraffin baths at home
To carry out this cosmetic procedure at home, you will need a special bath for warming up paraffin (it can be replaced with ordinary enameled dishes with a high side, for example, a bowl) and the waxy substance itself.
For paraffin therapy, a cosmetic wax-like substance without impurities can be used, or paraffin with all kinds of additives. For example, “orange” paraffin is rich in vitamins of groups B, C and K, as well as bioflavonoids, so it perfectly tones the skin, moisturizes and strengthens it. And the “honey” waxy substance is replete with microelements, therefore paraffin therapy with its use has a regenerating and soothing effect, as well as facilitates exfoliation and improves blood circulation.
Take 2-3 kg of paraffin and melt it. While the waxy substance is warming up, the skin is prepared for the upcoming procedure. To do this, an exfoliating mask is applied to the hands (or feet), held for 3-5 minutes, then washed off and covered with a nourishing or moisturizing cream. Then they wait until the cosmetic applied to the skin is absorbed. If necessary, remove excess cream with a cotton napkin. Then the hands or feet are immersed in the wax mass for 5–7 seconds, after which they are taken out for 10–13 seconds and again immersed in a paraffin bath. This procedure is repeated 7–8 times. As a result, the skin of the hands or feet should be covered with a thick paraffin layer.
The container in which the paraffin is melted must be absolutely dry, otherwise water droplets caught in this cosmetic will cause skin burns
Next, they put on cellophane gloves and woolen mittens on their hands, and plastic bags and warm woolen socks on their feet. After 15-17 minutes, the paraffin “mask” is removed.
To narrow the pores, use an infusion of calendula, for the preparation of which they take:
- 100 ml of water
- 20 g calendula flowers
Raw materials are poured with freshly boiled water and insisted until the medicinal mixture cools down to room temperature. After the infusion is filtered, diluted with 2 liters of warm water and immersed in it hands or feet for 3-5 minutes. Finally, a nourishing cream is applied to dry skin.
Used paraffin is thrown away
This home spa procedure is recommended to be done in the evening, since after a paraffin bath it is advisable not to go outside for 2-3 hours. And you can arrange paraffin therapy 1-2 times a month, this number of procedures is quite enough for the skin of the hands and feet to be delicate, beautiful and healthy.
Contraindications to home paraffin therapy for hands and feet
You should not do paraffin baths if there are any injuries on the skin of the hands or feet, for example, wounds, burns or sores. In addition, it is not recommended to perform this cosmetic procedure for infectious diseases and diabetes mellitus. Also, the nails should not be varnished: before paraffin therapy, the varnish is removed.
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