Parabens in cosmetics are dangerous for women’s health

Scientists decided to test emerging data that certain components of cosmetics can provoke cancer. They examined 20 different tumor samples and concluded that they accumulate parabens with an average concentration of 20,6 nanograms per gram of tissue. Moreover, they were presented in a form that could only get through the skin.

Project manager Dr. Philippa Darbre said: “Parabens are used as preservatives in thousands of cosmetics, foods and medicines, but this is the first study to show that they can accumulate in tissues.”

Scientists also noted that parabens are similar in action to female sex hormones and can, in principle, accelerate the growth of tumors.

The authors of the work, published in the pages of the Journal of Applied Toxicology, do not undertake to unambiguously judge the connection between the application of deodorants near the mammary glands with the risk of tumors, but believe that this assumption needs to be tested. The need for more research was expressed in an accompanying editorial by the journal editor, Dr. Philip Harvey.

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