Parabens – are they harmful? What products are parabens in?

Often, when you read the composition of a cosmetic on the label, there are similar names: methylparaben, propylparaben or phenol. Most buyers do not wonder what exactly parabens are and why they are found in cosmetics. And they are there for a reason.

What are parabens?

Parabens is a type of esters of 4-hydroxybenzoic acid (PHBA) which differ in their functional group. They contain preserving properties, therefore they are used in cosmetics, medicines and food products. They are most often found in foundations, creams, lotions, lipsticks and masks, but also in various types of shampoos, soaps and tonics. They are active against molds and yeasts. In order to increase the antimicrobial effect, they are often used in the form of a mixture of several compounds or with the addition of other preservatives. Thanks to your propertiesthat keep the product fresh even a year longer, and its smell, color and other features remain unchanged, parabens are often used.

Parabens – harmful or not?

In the 90s, there were more and more doubts about the harmfulness parabens. Currently, it is one of the most thoroughly studied groups of preservatives, but there is no absolute certainty that they do not exhibit harmful properties. Studies have shown that they are not carcinogenic and practically non-toxic. In addition, a low dose in cosmetics reduces the risk of side effects, but sometimes there are cases when their presence in cosmetics causes allergies. The most common were face care cosmetics and various types of creams. However, it is not worth crossing out all products containing certain preservatives at once.

Recent studies have shown that not all of them parabens are harmful to human health. For example, methyl paraben i ethylparaben they are harmless. When it comes to propylparaben and butylparaben, not everything is so obvious. If they are present in a concentration greater than 0,19%, they can be harmful to health and cause allergies, but most often it depends on the type of skin and existing health problems. It is worth emphasizing that parabens they do not accumulate in the tissues and are removed from the body, their impact on the human endocrine system is also not possible.

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