Papillary adenoma of the nipple

Syn.: Adenoma of the mammary nipple.

Def .: Non-malignant tumor of the glandular epithelium, arising when papillary formations resembling papillomas grow into the lumen of adenoma tubules. It is a cancer that occurs in women, but isolated cases have been reported in men. It most often appears in the 4th or 5th decade of life.

Clinical: The symptom of the disease is the appearance of a blood-colored discharge from the nipple, which is covered with a crust, accompanied by inflammation. It is a well-limited nodule in the nipple area, reaching the epidermis and may even cause its disappearance. After an injury or infection, ulcers can even form.

Hist .: The tumor consists of tubes with two layers of cells (the outer layer is myoepithelial cells), without atypia.

DR: Rak Pageta.

Lit .: [1] Kruś S., Skrzypek-Fakhoury E .: Clinical pathomorphology. Ed. Bow. PZWL, Warsaw 2007.

Source: A. Kaszuba, Z. Adamski: “Lexicon of dermatology”; XNUMXst edition, Czelej Publishing House

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