
Useful properties and application of woolly panzer

Botanical characteristics of panzeria


Panzeria is a perennial herbaceous plant of the labiaceae family with a hollow tetrahedral stem 40–70 cm high and a thick rhizome. It has opposite, palmately divided leaves, dark green above and gray, densely pubescent below. The flowers are yellowish-white, large, two-lipped, collected in whorls. The petals are pubescent below. The fruits are small nuts.

Panzeria grows in Transbaikalia, in Altai, in the southern regions of the Krasnoyarsk Territory. The flowering period of the plant is June-July. For medicinal purposes, the tops of the shoots with leaves and flowers are harvested.

Useful properties of panzeria

Panzeria as a medicinal plant has been well studied by Russian scientists. As a result of clinical trials, many experts noted its beneficial effects on patients. In patients with hypertension, the use of this herb caused a stable decrease in blood pressure, the disappearance of unpleasant sensations of various origins, and an improvement in overall well-being. In addition, the plant has a diuretic effect, which contributes to the speedy removal of toxic substances from the body.

This non-poisonous and healthy herb contains a large amount of biologically active substances. It contains tannins, malic acid, alkaloids, ascorbic acid, essential oil. The content of vitamin C in this plant helps to strengthen the immune system, gives the body energy and vigor. The complete chemical composition of panzeria has not yet been studied, so it is likely that new interesting discoveries are yet to come.

The use of panzeria

This medicinal plant has long established itself as an effective vasodilator and sedative. It is not inferior, but it happens that it surpasses other herbal preparations in strength. It is used to expand peripheral blood vessels, reduce heart rate and blood pressure. Preparations based on panzeria are often prescribed in the early stages of hypertension, with atherosclerosis, heart defects, mild thyrotoxicosis, autonomic and cardiovascular neuroses.

Traditional medicine uses the herb as a diuretic, sedative, and heart remedy. It also helps with swelling and is used as an analgesic for rheumatism. The diuretic action of this medicinal herb will be useful in dropsy. Due to its pharmacological properties, panzeria is included in some medicines.

Woolly panzeria

This species is represented by herbaceous perennial plants up to seventy centimeters high, with thick roots. The leaves of this species are dark green and gray shades, the flowers are large. Woolly panzeria is the most commonly used representative of its kind in medicine. It has a solid set of useful substances, vitamins and minerals.

Traditional medicine uses the infusions of this medicinal plant as an effective diuretic and antirheumatic agent. Scientific medicine uses preparations based on this herb for heart defects and various neuroses. Its effectiveness has been proven by clinical trials.

Contraindications to the use of panzeria

Due to insufficient knowledge, all contraindications to the use of this herb have not yet been discovered. An allergy or individual intolerance to its individual components is possible. In order to avoid unforeseen consequences, panzeria is not recommended to be taken during pregnancy.

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