Herbicide Panther is a post-emergence preparation that helps to destroy weeds that prevent the main crop from fully developing. The tool is highly effective and easy to use, but at an affordable price. However, before using the drug, it is necessary to study the manufacturer’s recommendations. Otherwise, the result may be radically different from the expected.

Panther weed preparation: instructions for use, consumption rate

Panther has selective action

Composition and form of release

Panthera is a one-component drug, the active ingredient of which is quizolofop-P-tefuril with a concentration of 4%. The product is an emulsion for dilution with water.

The herbicide goes on sale in 100 ml plastic bottles, liter bottles and 5 liter canisters. This makes it possible to choose a tool depending on the area of ​​crops. The shelf life of the herbicide is three years from the date of release.

Operating principle

Panther has a systemic effect. Its use is justified against annual and perennial cereal weeds in plantings of vegetable, fodder and industrial crops.

After spraying, the main component penetrates the tissues and spreads throughout the plant, including the root system. The drug begins to act almost immediately. A day later, it disrupts photosynthesis, stops cell division, and blocks metabolic processes.

After three days after the treatment, signs of the action of the Panther herbicide become noticeable. They are expressed by chlorosis, loss of turgor and general depression. Weeds completely die in 2-3 weeks. During this time, weeding and any other impact on the soil is unacceptable.

Important! During dry periods, Panther has a slow effect, as the rate of metabolic processes in plant tissues decreases.

Advantages and disadvantages

This herbicide has many advantages and, judging by the reviews, is very popular with gardeners and gardeners. But the drug also has disadvantages that you should pay attention to when choosing this remedy.

Panther weed preparation: instructions for use, consumption rate

Panthera herbicide is resistant to rain washout

Main advantages:

  • ease of use;
  • availability;
  • economical consumption;
  • electoral action;
  • fast result;
  • does not cause an addictive effect;
  • does not show phytotoxicity.


  • requires extra precautions;
  • narrow-minded action.

Preparation of working solution

The drug must be used in diluted form. The solution should be prepared directly in the sprayer tank. But first, it is recommended to thoroughly rinse the inventory.

Algorithm of actions:

  1. Draw 2/3 of the required volume of liquid into the sprayer tank.
  2. Add herbicide and mix.
  3. Pour in the remaining water.
  4. Mix again until a homogeneous composition of the solution is obtained.
Important! Only clean water can be used to prepare the solution.

Instructions for use of Panther herbicide

This drug can be used to control weeds of many agricultural and berry crops. But in each case, its use may have some differences.

Spraying is recommended in the morning after the dew has dried. At the same time, it is important that the temperature regime is within + 5-25 ° С.

Herbicide Panther for strawberries

It is necessary to apply the drug in the spring before the buds appear on the strawberries. The solution should be prepared at the rate of 7,5-10 ml per 1 liter of water, depending on the contamination of the site. The allowable number of treatments during the season is one.

Panther weed preparation: instructions for use, consumption rate

The drug shows high performance at moderate humidity and soil

Herbicide Panther for raspberries

When using the product in raspberries, it is recommended to treat in the phase of 3-4 leaves for annual weeds and at a height of 10-15 cm for perennials. The drug should be diluted at the rate of 7,5-10 ml per 1 liter. it is recommended to use Panther herbicide on raspberries once a season.

Herbicide Panther for potatoes, tomatoes and other vegetables

In the case of the use of panther herbicide on crop plantings, it is necessary to prepare a solution at the rate of 10 ml per 1 liter of water. Spraying is recommended at the four-leaf stage for annual weeds and at a height of 10-15 cm for perennials.

A one-time treatment with this tool is allowed during the season. The waiting period before harvest is 45-60 days.

Important! It is not recommended to use the Panther herbicide on plantings of vegetable crops of early ripening and greenery.

Compatibility with other means

It can be tank mixed with other herbicides to increase the effectiveness of the application. But before use, it is necessary to conduct a compatibility test of the funds. To do this, mix the solutions in a small amount. If this does not result in a precipitate, then the drugs can be used simultaneously.

It is not recommended to use Panther herbicide with fungicides, insecticides and acaricides together. Since the results of their joint use have not been studied.

Safety Precautions

Before applying Panther herbicide to control weeds, it is recommended to wear gloves, goggles, and closed shoes and clothing. During the procedure, it is forbidden to drink, smoke, eat to exclude the possibility of the drug getting into the respiratory and digestive organs.

At the end of the treatment, it is recommended to take a shower with soap. In case of contact with the skin and mucous membranes, immediately rinse with water.

Important! Panther herbicide cannot be used closer than 1,5 km from apiaries, ponds and fish farms.


If necessary, Panther herbicide can be replaced with other drugs. But each of them has specific uses. Therefore, before using analogues, you must carefully read the instructions.

You can replace the Panther:

  1. Antipyrean. Post-emergence herbicide. The active ingredient is chizalofop-P-tefuril at a concentration of 40 g per 1 liter. The drug is effective against cereal annual and perennial weeds. It is acceptable to use it at different stages of development of the main culture. Available as a concentrated emulsion to be diluted with water.
    Panther weed preparation: instructions for use, consumption rate

    Antipyreum belongs to the category of low-toxic agents

  2. Lemur. This post-emergence herbicide contains the same active ingredient as Panther, namely quizalofop-P-tefuril. Its mass fraction in the product is 40 g per 1 liter. You can use the drug on plantings of vegetable, industrial and fodder crops. The active substance quickly decomposes into safe components, and the use of this agent does not cause any restrictions on crop rotation.
    Panther weed preparation: instructions for use, consumption rate

    The action of Lemur does not apply to weeds that appeared after processing

  3. Greenforth. This post-emergence herbicide is designed to control grass annual and perennial weeds in crops. The active ingredient in the product is chizalofop-P-tefuryl. Its mass fraction in the preparation is 40 g per 1 liter. The herbicide quickly penetrates the leaves and spreads throughout the plant, but does not harm the main crop.
    Panther weed preparation: instructions for use, consumption rate

    Greenforth does not cause resistance


Herbicide Panther is a tool that can cope with most types of weeds growing in plantings of vegetable and berry crops. This reduces the number of weeds and thus facilitates maintenance. And the affordable price and the presence of a small packaging allow you to use the product even in personal plots and cottages.

Reviews about Panthera

Irina Smirnova, 35 years old, Kaluga
I use Panther herbicide in the country for the second season in a row. The drug helps to destroy wheatgrass on strawberry plantings. I apply it in the spring, as soon as the weeds begin to grow, and the temperature rises to + 10-15 ° C. I process once a season. This allows you to significantly increase the yield of strawberries, as weeds do not interfere with its full development.
Sergey Martynov, 52 years old, Rylsk
Panther herbicide is used to protect various vegetable crops. I like its fast action. The first results of processing become noticeable on the third day, and after two weeks the weeds completely dry out. But when using the drug, it is important that the air temperature is not lower than +5 ° C. Otherwise, herbicidal properties are reduced.
Herbicide Panther – description of the drug and instructions for use.

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