Panicle hydrangea Polar bear
Hydrangea “Polar Bear” is a hybrid variety, bred quite recently, in 2013. But it is already popular among gardeners due to its very large, dense white inflorescences.
Hydrangea paniculata “Polar bear”
The bush grows 1,5 m both in height and in width, so it looks almost spherical. Large conical inflorescences give it airiness, with them it looks unusual and stands out from other varieties. The plant looks like one huge bouquet.
Hydrangea “Polar Bear” has high frost resistance
Its main characteristics can be distinguished:
- the length of the inflorescences reaches 40 cm;
- during formation and blooming, the flowers have a pistachio hue. Later they change color to white. Toward the end of the flowering period, a slightly pink color appears;
- shoots are strong and strong, do not bend under the weight of huge inflorescences;
- flowering begins only in July, but lasts a long time – until the very frost;
- oval-shaped leaves have a rich green color;
- this variety is especially attractive for cultivation in Russia, since it has good frost resistance. Even in XNUMX ° C frosts, he does not die.
In order for this plant to develop correctly and bloom profusely, you need to follow the recommendations for its cultivation.
Hydrangea “Polar Bear”: planting and care
This flower has its own preferences for content and environmental conditions:
- Moderately moist soil suits him, but a short stagnation of water will not hurt. The frequency of watering is 2-3 times a week, 30 liters for each bush.
- The composition is most suitable for loamy, acidic soil. On a sandy one, it will also grow, but the size of the flowers will be smaller.
- Can grow in the shade, but still prefers light areas.
- When planting, you need to choose a place protected from drafts. Cold winds can harm the plant, it will become sick and develop poorly.
- In the spring you need to prune – remove old inflorescences and diseased or damaged shoots.
- In the summer, you need to mulch the soil with peat or pine needles. This will help retain moisture and protect the roots from overheating. In autumn, we mulch the soil so that the roots do not dry out in the absence of snow.
Saplings can be planted both in spring and autumn, but the first option is more reliable. The plant will immediately begin to develop without risking freezing in winter. The ability to bloom will appear only after 3-4 years.
There is another way of reproduction – dividing the bush. In the spring, it is dug out on one side, a part is separated along with the roots and a clod of earth and immediately planted in prepared holes.