Panic – causes, symptoms, treatment, prevention

Panic is very often one of the symptoms of an anxiety-related illness. It is then the so-called symptom accompanying a given ailment. Panic is also defined as the hypersensitivity of the nervous system to a given stimulus. However, it is not always unjustified, as it does not have to coexist with the disease. Overall, panic attacks account for around 9% of people. population. Women are more prone to panic than men. What are the causes of panic? How do you control panic?

Panic – causes

We talk about panic when someone over-reacts to a given external stimulus or situation or is terrified by the prospect of doing something. A panic attack is influenced by many factors, including severe stress, which is long-lasting and can be strongly felt. It can cause panic when exposed to it. In turn, the factors that trigger severe stress, which can lead to a panic attack, may be diseases, external threats, an accident, a quarrel, etc. However, the occurrence of panic is also influenced by genetic predisposition and even the weather. As mentioned, panic can also be a symptom of a disease – alcoholism, depression, anxiety neurosis. Panic attacks may occur more often in those who struggle with the so-called seasonal affective disorder, i.e. a periodically occurring mood disorder accompanied by depression and discomfort. This ailment is especially aggravated in autumn and winter, i.e. in the season when access to the sun is limited.

Panic – symptoms

The panic lasts about an hour. It begins with a little nervousness, then the first symptoms are noticed. After the panic attack has subsided, such unfounded fear usually persists and may be accompanied by a fear of being around people and open spaces, called agoraphobia. There is also often the so-called anticipatory anxiety, which is the fear of another panic attack. Panic symptoms include multiple respiratory and circulatory symptoms. This means that a panicked person is one whose breathing becomes faster and shallow, and may also have difficulty catching breath (lack of breath) due to a decrease in the amount of oxygen in the brain’s structures. Dizziness, chills, hot flushes, cold sweat, muscle tremors, nausea, vomiting, gastrointestinal convulsions, and pale skin may be felt. The above-mentioned symptoms are accompanied by depersonalization, difficulties in controlling the situation, loss of self-control, in some people there is an unjustified fear of death.

Panic – treatment

A panic attack may occur once and does not have to be a symptom of the disease immediately, because the tendency to panic attacks may well be an individual feature. However, if the panic attacks are due to an illness, treatment is needed to alleviate and prevent symptoms. The most common form of treatment is pharmacotherapy, which is symptomatic treatment, i.e. treatment that will not eliminate the cause of panic attacks. Pharmacological treatment involves the use of benzodiazepine anxiolytics and selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors, i.e. SSRIs. Less commonly, tricyclic antidepressants and beta-blockers are used. The latter are used when a person suffers from panic attacks caused by stage anxiety. These groups of drugs have a separate mechanism of action and different side effects. As for benzodiazepines, they induce a sedative effect by binding to a specific subunit of GABA receptors, which causes the opening of ion channels and the influx of chloride ions into the cell. This inhibits the excitability of nerve cells, and as a result leads to a calming effect. These drugs can induce psychological dependence, that is, cause excessive desire to take them with long-term use. They should not be used for more than 4 weeks. On the other hand, drugs from the SSRI group are relatively safe drugs. Their mechanism of action involves increasing the concentration of serotonin in the synaptic cleft. The synaptic cleft is the site between two nerve cells where information is transmitted through the action of a nerve impulse. Serotonin elevates mood and alleviates depression. SSRIs are usually not addictive.

Check the drugs that belong to the tricyclic antidepressants

Treatment of panic attacks should also be based on psychotherapy. Better understanding of yourself and your behavior translates into better functioning and a reduction in the feeling of constant tension and the feeling of fear of a panic attack. Behavioral therapy in which the so-called desensitization, i.e. forcing the patient to confront a situation that causes him panic, and which at the same time is not a state of real threat to life or health.

Panic – prognosis

If the person susceptible to panic attacks adheres to the treatment, the ailment can be completely eliminated.

Panic – prevention

It is important that a person suffering from panic attacks always has medication to help suppress the attack. The second important factor is learning relaxation and proper breathing techniques.

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