Panettone and sparkling wine: Italy for Christmas

Panettone and sparkling wine: Italy for Christmas

A Christmas table in Italy is not complete without sparkling Asti and fragrant panettone muffins. We invite you to prepare a delicious New Year’s dessert using these two ingredients – an exclusive master class from the chef of the l’Albero restaurant Nicola Canutti.

  • 200 ml English sauce (see below)
  • 5 sheets of fish gelatin
  • 80 g panettone
  • 30 g candied
  • 50 ml orange liqueur (Grand Marnier or Cointreau)
  • 70 g sugar
  • 100 g whipped cream
  • 1/2 orange (juice and zest)
  • 1 lemon (juice and zest)
  • 100 ml of water
  • 4 egg whites

For English sauce:500 ml milk, 4 egg yolks, 75 g sugar

For the sauce with Аsti: 1 bottle of Asti DOCG, gelatin

For decoration: 50 g sugar, water, 20 g each almond petals, pine nuts and pistachios

  • cooking process >>

For your information:

Panettone (Italian panettone) is a traditional Milanese Christmas cake. There are several versions of the origin of its name. The romantic version, for example, says that panettone (pan di Antonio) for his beloved was invented by a Milan baker’s apprentice named Antonio. According to another version, the word “panettone” comes from the Milanese dialect – pan del ton, which translates as “bread of luxury.”

Panettone is usually domed (just like Russian Easter cake), filled with candied fruits and raisins and served cut into pieces.

  • Christmas table traditions
  • Soak gelatin in cold water.
  • Pour water, lemon and orange juice into a saucepan with a thick bottom.
  • Next >>
  • Add orange liqueur to the same saucepan, grate the zest, add 30 g of sugar.
  • Put on fire >>
  • Simmer over medium heat until half of the original volume remains in the saucepan.

Let’s make English sauce

Put milk on fire, bring to 80 degrees (in no case let it boil!). In a separate container, beat the egg yolks with sugar. Then introduce the resulting egg mass into milk. Cool the prepared sauce.

  • Add softened gelatin to the resulting mixture, removed from the heat. Stir until the gelatin dissolves. Cool slightly.
  • Trim the crust off the panettone. Cut the pulp into slices and then into cubes.
  • Next >>

  • Add English sauce, diced panettone, candied orange peel and whipped cream to the gelatin mixture. Mix well.
  • Beat 4 egg whites with 40 g sugar until a thick white foam forms. Combine the two components, mix thoroughly. The soufflé is ready!
  • Next >>
  • Put the resulting mixture into portioned silicone molds. Put the filled forms in the cold (or in the refrigerator) for at least 3 hours to freeze the soufflé.
  • Let’s prepare a sauce based on champagne: evaporate a bottle of Asti DOCG wine for 30 minutes (you should get a rather thick consistency). Cool and add some grated orange peel.
  • Add softened gelatin to half of the sauce. Pour the mixture with gelatin in a thin layer on a tray and cool – you get jelly to decorate the dish. Cut it into small squares.
  • Caramelize nuts >>

Caramelized nuts for garnish

  • Dissolve the sugar on the fire by adding a little water and stirring constantly. Add almonds, pistachios, pine nuts. Continue stirring the mixture with a wooden spatula until the ingredients are caramelized.
  • Place the nuts (spreading them out separately) on a special silicone mat or any smooth surface (such as a table) for cooling.
  • Serving >>

  • Place the soufflé in the center of the plate, garnish with caramelized nuts and candied fruits, pour over the Asti DOCG sauce, arrange the jelly squares in a symmetrical order.

L’Albero RestaurantMoscow, Delegatskaya st., 78 (495) 650-16-748 (495) 650-16-75

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