Pancreatic ultrasound – what can it detect and how to prepare for the examination?

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Ultrasound examinations of the pancreas are usually performed as part of an ultrasound of the abdominal cavity. On this basis, the condition of the organ is assessed and inflammatory or neoplastic changes are identified. The diagnostic usefulness of pancreatic ultrasound is high in the case of tumors, cysts and pancreatic cancer. How to prepare for the test and what does it consist of?

Why is an ultrasound performed?

Ultrasonography is one of the most frequently performed imaging tests. It is easily available in most medical centers in Poland, usually you do not have to wait long for it, and at the same time it can be performed at the National Health Fund. One of the main advantages of ultrasound is that it is non-invasive. It is not based on harmful X-rays, but on ultrasound. As a result, there are practically no absolute contraindications to it and it is recommended for pregnant women and children.

Effective ultrasound imaging enables the phenomenon of the propagation of ultrasonic waves in tissues and organs. This requires setting the appropriate frequency, so that the waves do not scatter, but reflect at the boundary of a given medium. Based on the measurement, the computer generates an image of structures and organs, taking into account not only their outline, but also the cohesiveness or the presence of fluids.

What does an ultrasound of the pancreas detect?

Patients with complaints of abdominal pain or with symptoms such as nausea, diarrhea or vomiting may be referred for abdominal ultrasound. If the doctor suspects that the pancreas may be the source of the ailment, the person performing the examination will focus on the abnormalities within it.

Based on ultrasound of the pancreas, specific diseases affecting this gland are detected, including chronic pancreatitis (CP), pancreatic cancer or pancreatic cysts. Ultrasound can help in the initial diagnosis of acute pancreatitis (AC), but a thorough evaluation of the stage of the disease requires an MRI or CT scan. Some symptoms that are a manifestation of pancreatic problems are also visible on X-rays of the abdominal cavity and X-rays of the lungs.


Prophylaxis in the form of pancreatic ultrasound is recommended in people with diabetes, because it is in this group that the risk of pancreatic cancer increases.

Disturbing pancreatic pathologies that show up on ultrasound include visible fluid-containing formations (cysts), enlarged pancreas and pancreatic ducts (inflammation), and tumors. Possible neoplastic changes are adenocarcinoma, insulinoma and glucagonoma. Pancreatic cancer is a cancer with a very high mortality rate, and the only chance for treatment is its early detection.

  1. Find out how pancreatic cancer and other cancers can be predicted with genetic testing.

When is the pancreas ultrasound performed?

Pancreatic ultrasound examination is safe for the patient, therefore it can be performed in virtually everyone. The only contraindication is a break in the continuity of the skin in the area of ​​the abdomen or a burn. In other cases, ultrasound can be performed. If there is a need for a very detailed examination of the pancreas, the ultrasound is combined with endoscopic ultrasound. If necessary, more detailed magnetic resonance imaging or computed tomography is performed.

  1. Read more about abdominal MRI.

Pancreatic ultrasound – preparation for the examination

In the case of pancreatic ultrasound, the patient should properly prepare for the examination to ensure its greatest credibility. The main obstacle that could potentially disrupt ultrasound results is excess gas in the gut. For this reason, already two days before the examination, you should follow an easily digestible diet and, if necessary, use pharmacy remedies for flatulence. It is also recommended to come to the appointment on an empty stomach and refrain from smoking at least one hour before the examination.

If we go to private ultrasound abdominal cavity, its price may be about PLN 100.

Pancreatic ultrasound – course

We bring the results of other imaging tests to the doctor’s office, as well as a doctor’s referral. During the initial interview, we provide the most important information about our health and current state pancreatic treatment or other medical conditions relevant to the study. Then, we lie down on the couch and reveal the tested surface. An ultrasound head is placed against the skin covered with gel. The patient follows the instructions of the person conducting the study. She may ask for air intake to make the pancreas easier to see on the screen.

After the ultrasound of the pancreas is performed, the patient wipes the skin of the remaining gel, and the doctor prepares a description and briefly informs the patient about the results. With the description and photo ready, go to the specialist who ordered the examination. He will assess the condition of the pancreas based on ultrasound, palpation and other imaging or laboratory tests.

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