The pancreas is one of the most important organs of the body. Thanks to it, the digestive and hormonal systems function properly. Disturbances in the pancreas are manifested by pain – this is a disturbing signal that must not be underestimated. Pathologies of such an important organ require medical attention. Changes in the pancreas can be mild or very serious. Sometimes they are the result of only organ irritation, but they can also indicate an inflammatory reaction or even cancer.
Pancreatic functions in the body – what causes pain?
The pancreas is a small organ located in the upper part of the abdominal cavity, which is primarily responsible for the functioning of the digestive and endocrine systems. However, the task of this particular organ is also to protect against autodigestion. With the participation of the pancreas, many important processes in the body take place – for example, insulin, glucagon and digestive enzymes are secreted. When the pancreas does not work properly, pain usually occurs. Sometimes overeating leads to pancreatic pain, which can cause irritation of the organ. The ailment is manifested by severe pain that radiates from the left supracostal space to the spine. It happens that pancreatic pain signals inflammation of the organ. To a large extent, stimulants contribute to the disease – alcohol abuse, smoking, as well as an unhealthy diet rich in animal fats.
Acute pancreatitis
In pancreatitis, deposits form, which strongly impede the discharge of digestive enzymes from the organ. The condition leads to self-digestion of the organ, which is manifested by abdominal pain, nausea, and sometimes vomiting. Sometimes viruses, abdominal injuries, or other medical conditions are responsible for pancreatitis. In some cases, acute inflammation develops into chronic. Patients with acute pancreatitis require hospitalization and pharmacotherapy based on drugs that limit the production of digestive enzymes. Patients are fed enterally, sometimes (as part of prophylaxis) antibiotics are included in the treatment.
Chronic pancreatitis
Chronic pancreatitis is associated with recurrent pain that significantly limits daily activities. Progression of the disease results in organ degeneration and blockage of the pancreatic tubules, and consequently their calcification. The chronic nature of the disease is often associated with yellowing of the skin, diarrhea, vomiting, and disorders in the mechanisms of insulin secretion can lead to diabetes. Chronic pancreatitis requires changes in lifestyle and nutrition. You should strictly follow the recommendations of a low-fat diet and avoid stimulants (especially alcohol). In some cases, there are indications for the removal of a fragment of the pancreas – the solution helps to eliminate pain and unblock the pancreatic tubules.
Pancreatic cysts and cancer
Pancreatic cysts are caused by inflammation of the pancreas, but sometimes they are the result of trauma. Cysts contain digestive juices, tissue material and blood. The disease is manifested by severe abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, flatulence. Small lesions may be autoabsorbed, but larger ones require therapy. Pancreatic cancer is one of the most serious pathologies that cause pain in this organ. Diabetes (especially untreated or poorly controlled) can contribute to its development. The initial phase of the disease is asymptomatic. Pain of high intensity appears suddenly and only this symptom prompts patients to seek professional help. In many cases, patients come to the doctor very late – when the disease is in an advanced stage and affects the adjacent organs.