Pancreatic diseases are extremely dangerous for our health and even life. Pancreatic cancer is one of the most dangerous, very often leads to the death of the patient when detected. Therefore, the first symptoms of various pancreatic diseases must not be underestimated – they should be fought and the disease slowly treated. What symptoms of pancreatic diseases occur most often, what should you pay attention to in your everyday life? About it below!
Glucagnoma, a tumor of the pancreas
Pancreatic tumor it is manifested primarily by diabetes, but with a mild course (it is important for diabetics to always monitor their blood sugar levels). A sick person can lose a dozen or so kilograms in a short time. There is also anemia, there may be visible skin changes that are in a way similar to erythema migrans.
Rarely, however, there are also symptoms associated with amino acid deficiency, the formation of mild depressive or even psychotic states. Rare symptoms of a pancreatic tumor are also: pulmonary and venous embolism.
Necrotizing pancreatitis: symptoms
Necrotizing pancreatitis is an extremely dangerous disease for our health. Often these symptoms are similar to those of acute inflammation pancreas, but at the same time, especially if there are various complications, the symptoms also include: bleeding from the gastrointestinal tract, acute respiratory failure and acute inflammatory reaction. The patient may have symptoms of sepsis that is very difficult to treat.
Pancreatic stones: how to recognize the disease?
This is a disease in which stones form in the pancreatic duct. It is manifested primarily by severe and sudden pain in the upper abdomen. This pain may radiate to the left side of the body in some cases. The pain reaction intensifies primarily after eating and when touching and pressing the area pancreas.
To the symptoms pancreatic stones fever, vomiting, nausea, drooling or pre-existing jaundice are also added.
Pancreatic cancer: how to recognize it, what are its most common symptoms?
Pancreatic cancer is a very difficult cancer to detect, first of all, it causes few symptoms, and therefore it can go untreated for a very long time. Once pancreatic cancer is detected, the disease is usually so advanced that, unfortunately, it is impossible to save the patient.
However, it is worth knowing that the symptoms of pancreatic cancer include: abdominal pain, frequent constipation, frequent illnesses with fever, anemia, jaundice, phlebitis, or finally a palpable tumor in the navel area.