In many ways, the efficiency of the mash or distillation column depends on the correct choice of packing. Most beginner distillers prefer the Panchenkov nozzle. In this material, we will consider the design features, the principle of operation and the application of this product in practice.
Nozzle Panchenkova (regular wire nozzle) – is a thin wire made of copper or stainless steel of a special weave, twisted into a roll and inserted into the side (pipe) of a household distillation or beer column.
Advantages of RPN:
- relatively high efficiency of separation of alcohol-containing mixtures into separate fractions (good purification);
- increases the strength of moonshine;
- ease of operation (cleaning and replacement) at home;
- durability, low cost and availability.
Disadvantages: regular wire nozzle works effectively with a pipe diameter of no more than 30 mm, therefore, it can only be used in household installations of low and medium power.
Technical characteristics of the on-load tap-changer:
- thread thickness – 0,13 mm;
- gaps between the threads – no more than 1 mm;
- type of weaving – zigzag (“kulirnaya surface”);
- weight – 45-55 grams (with a length of 40 cm and a width of 10 cm);
- permissible inner diameter of the pipe (tsargi) – 3-30 mm.
Historical reference. Panchenkov’s mesh nozzle was developed by Tupolev Design Bureau in 1981 (USSR patent No. SU 827136 (A1), IPC B01D 53/20 of 07.05.1981/XNUMX/XNUMX). According to the project, the product was intended to increase the degree of purification of petroleum feedstock in the production of aviation fuel. Copper wire was used to make the woven mesh, since copper has a high thermal conductivity and absorbs sulfur contained in oil well.
In practice, Panchenkov’s on-load tap-changer showed high efficiency in home distillers with a drawer and household distillation columns. It is the second in terms of cleaning degree (after SPN Selivanenko) and the easiest nozzle to use.
Principle of operation. After heating in the cube of the moonshine still, alcohol-containing vapors rise into the pipe (string), where they come into contact not only with the walls, as in classical distillation, but also with the surface of the nozzle, giving some of the heat to the wire. As a result, fusel oils and other impurities with a high boiling point condense and flow back into the cube along the walls of the tsarga in the form of phlegm (liquid), and the alcohol vapors, purified from part of the harmful impurities, continue to move to the cooler, where they condense and fall into the receiving container in the form of moonshine .
При дистилляции насадка Панченкова снижает скорость потока пара в царге, замедляя весь процесс. В сравнении с обычным самогонным аппаратом требуется больше времени на перегонку одинакового количества браги, зато на выходе самогон получается чище.
В случае ректификации РПН выполняет ту же функцию, что и любая другая тарелка или насадка, обеспечивая одновременный тепло- и массообменный процесс.
Materials. Stainless steel has become the main wire material for beer and distillation columns, as this reduces the cost of the apparatus, simplifies operation and cleaning. There are also Panchenkov copper nozzles for premium quality equipment on sale, but they are more expensive and require constant care – washing after each use.
Изготовление своими руками. Theoretically, it is realistic to make a Panchenkov nozzle at home, but in practice it is economically unprofitable, since in addition to the wire itself, winding equipment is required, strict adherence to standards and tolerances, which significantly increases the cost of manufacturing.
It is easier and cheaper to buy a ready-made on-load tap-changer. On the ethical side, the organization of handicraft production is a violation of the patent of JSC Tupolev. If you want to save money, it’s easier to fill the drawer side with stainless steel washcloths.
Installing and cleaning the Panchenkov nozzle
Зачастую сетка поставляется в рулонах шириной 5 или 10 см и длиной 40-100 см. Работать с узкой насадкой (5 см) проще, при желании сетку можно разрезать. Длина и плотность набивки трубки насадкой зависит от конструкции аппарата или колонны. Эти параметры должен указать производитель.
If the packing is too tight, alcohol vapor may not pass well through the nozzle, which creates a risk of overpressure inside the system and an explosion.
Существует два метода установки (набивки) регулярной проволочной насадки в царгу. Первый – сложить сетку пополам, затем скрутить в пыж и вставить в трубку, слегка проворачивая. Второй – просто свернуть проволочную насадку от одного края к другому без складывания вдвое (плотность будет чуть выше). Опыты показали, что принципиальной разницы между описанными способами нет. Для извлечения достаточно подцепить конец проволоки пинцетом или пальцем и плавно потянуть на себя.
Panchenkov’s stainless steel nozzle requires cleaning in rare cases when the mash got into the drawer or burned. To wash stainless wire, it is permissible to use any means and even digestion.
Copper regular wire nozzles should be cleaned constantly, preferably after each use.
- Fill pot with water and bring to a boil.
- Add citric acid (10 grams per liter of water), mix.
- Strain the decoction and rinse the nozzle well under running water to remove any acid residue.