Affiliate material
Take part in the Pampers promotion and win a DVD of music exercises from Ekaterina Zheleznova.
Loving, playing, sleeping peacefully is what every baby needs, and Pampers experts know like no one else what children need for healthy development and maximum comfort at any time of the day. That is why, for over 50 years, Pampers specialists have been creating diapers that provide babies with a sound, full sleep, so that, waking up in the morning, babies are ready to give their parents all their love and have fun playing all day.
This spring, the Pampers brand will help little fidgets not only sleep peacefully, but also have fun playing and at the same time develop along with musical exercises-songs from Ekaterina Zheleznova. Take part in the Good Morning With Pampers promotion and become the owner of the Music with Mom exercise disc. To do this, collect four different codes from stickers from PampersActiveBaby-Dry packages, and the disc will be sent to you as a gift! The promotion is valid until July 13, 2014 inclusive. Registration of promotional codes will be carried out until June 15, 2014 inclusive.
Exercises-songs by Ekaterina Zheleznova help kids develop not only hearing, but also speech, fine motor skills, gestures, and imagination. In addition, they charge not only children, but also their parents with a good mood for the whole day. “To awaken and create a cheerful mood, you can use funny songs during play massage and gymnastics, games with imitative movements, finger games,” explains the author of the popular program “Music with Mom” Ekaterina Zheleznova. “Such a morning program will take you only 5-10 minutes, and every morning your baby will become active and interesting!”
Don’t miss your chance to participate in the new Pampers promotion! Songs from Ekaterina Zheleznova will help your little one begin to explore the world in an interesting and accessible way, and the new PampersActiveBaby-Dry will provide him with a healthy and full sleep, which is so necessary for these discoveries. Their unique embossed layer absorbs up to 30 times the weight of the diaper itself, while the soft, stretchable sides keep it inside. The new Pampers Active Baby-Dry will give your little one a healthy, full sleep at night and inspire him for fun music play lessons during the day!