Pamela Anderson doesn’t know how to improve her personal life

Rescuers Malibu star Pamela Anderson broke up with her boyfriend, surfer plumber Jamie Padgett, whom she met in Malibu. Nonetheless, Pamela and Jamie remained good friends.

Anderson spent the entire December, and later all the holidays in London, where she is now taking part in the production of Aladdin (she will play the Genie). It was the English journalists who were lucky enough to be the first to find out that Pam was left alone again.

“She made it clear that she no longer has anything to do with Padgett. Now she is looking for a new friend. She did not say anything bad about Jamie, she says that he is a “cool guy” and hopes that they will remain friends, “- said representatives of the British media.

Pamela and Jamie are glad to part with the ex-husband of the star – Tommy Lee. He did not hide that he was jealous of Anderson and even tried to influence her with the help of children.

In this whole story, only Jamie Padgett himself has not figured out yet. When asked what he thinks about breaking up with Pam, he replied: “Well … she is a good mother, does a lot for animals through PETA … I did not go with her to London because I was busy … Let her say better, we meet again or not. And I’ll figure it out later.

Despite the unsettled personal life, Anderson does not give up hope of achieving career success. The production, in which Pam will play the Genie, is certainly doomed to success, and a song that a star is recording with a professional musician, for sure, will be noted in some charts “most-most”.

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