Painkillers for back pain

Painkillers for back pain

Almost everyone is familiar with this unpleasant sensation when the back is constrained by pain and there is neither the opportunity nor the desire to move. And if the pain occurs regularly, violating the habitual way of life of a person, then immediate qualified assistance is required. You shouldn’t joke about it!

In addition, doctors are categorically against the self-administration of any painkillers, because the problem of back pain is individual. All people are different and, accordingly, back pain in each person occurs for various reasons, is localized in various places and has an unequal duration. Each individual case requires a private approach and treatment.

Fortunately, modern pharmaceutical companies annually replenish the existing arsenal of drugs that can cope with pain. Therefore, today doctors no longer doubt the question of whether it is necessary to take painkillers. The only question is how to choose them correctly so that the pain syndrome decreases or is completely eliminated.

Basic methods of dealing with back pain

In medicine, there are three main methods used in the treatment of back pain.

  1. Medication Therapy This includes taking painkillers. According to their composition, such drugs are divided into three groups: non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, analgesics and muscle relaxants (drugs that relieve muscle spasms). In addition, patients are required to prescribe B vitamins in combination with topical preparations.

  2. Non-drug therapy consists in creating and maintaining special conditions for the patient’s back – physiotherapy exercises, the use of special devices that support the spine, and orthopedic mattresses, moderate motor mode, physiotherapy.

  3. Surgical intervention is an extreme measure, which is used in severe forms of curvature of the spine, herniated discs, etc.

Groups of painkillers

Analgesics are a significant group of drugs that can reduce or eliminate pain. They are divided into two types: narcotic and non-narcotic.

  1. Narcotic analgesics – A powerful remedy for pain in the back. Severe chronic pain in patients is often managed with opioid analgesics. If we take into account the strength of the analgesic effect, they can be divided into weak (tramadol, hydrocodone, codeine, propoxyphene) and strong drugs used to eliminate unbearable pain (methadone, fentanine, morphine, hydromorphone). Pain of moderate intensity is relieved by combined preparations containing compounds of weak opioid analgesics.

    Despite the effective elimination of pain, these drugs are used by specialists with extreme caution and only when absolutely necessary. As you know, narcotic drugs have a detrimental effect on the nervous system and kidneys.

  2. Non-narcotic painkillers. They are also divided into non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and analgesics, which have the ability to lower the temperature and anesthetize. The second group is represented by the well-known analgin and paracetamol. Moreover, they produce analgin as a separate drug, and as part of other means.

    Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs have a triple action: they cope with infectious inflammation, lower body temperature and eliminate pain. The most common drug in this category is diclofenac. This group also includes acetylsalicylic acid, as well as preparations in which it is contained.

Classification of drugs used externally for back pain

Since absolutely all parenteral painkillers have their own side effects, it was decided to create drugs with topical application. These include creams, ointments, balms, gels, etc. Thus, it became possible to prevent the negative impact of side effects from drugs entering the general circulation.

Of course, drugs for local treatment also get inside, but their intake is significantly reduced. Creams and ointments provide a good analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect, and, importantly, reduce the need for internal medication.

Summing up, I would like to emphasize that this article is for informational purposes only. Do not be too lazy to make an appointment with a doctor, because only a qualified specialist, having studied the anamnesis and conducted an examination, will be able to choose the right medicine and prescribe the appropriate treatment.

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