Ah, those cramps!
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During their periods, most women experience contractions that cause pain of varying intensity. Although the occurrence of this pain and its intensity are attributed to, among others, our genes and hormones, to some extent, we can help ourselves with proper nutrition.
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It has been proven that women who become overweight and obese are more likely to develop menstrual pain. Therefore, it is even more important to develop healthy eating habits as early as childhood, so that girls had the correct body weight before the first menstruation, and after its appearance, they kept this norm. Therefore, in the prevention of menstrual pain, the basic principles of healthy eating and maintaining the proportions from the food pyramid apply:
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- The basis of our menu should be vegetables, and as a supplement it is worth including one – 2 portions of fruit a day,
- choose whole grain cereal products,
- do not forget about medium-fat dairy products, eggs and healthy fats – fish about 2 times a week, vegetable oils, nuts and seeds in reasonable amounts,
- it is advisable to reduce the consumption of meat to approx. 70 a day and minimize the supply of sweets (preferably not to eat them at all), sugar and salt in general, as well as unhealthy fats and fast-food products rich in them. The graphite below shows which nutrients are worth paying attention to, first of all, if you suffer from menstrual cramps and want to help yourself.
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The graphite below shows which nutrients are worth paying attention to, first of all, if you suffer from menstrual cramps and want to help yourself.
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The severity of symptoms during menstruation is also influenced by:
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- increased stress levels,
- fatigue,
- sedentary lifestyle,
- improper hydration of the body,
- insufficient amount of sleep.
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In addition to adequate nutrition, moderate physical activity as often as possible will also be recommended. During menstruation, it is worth choosing gentle forms such as walking, yoga, Pilates or stretching. Some people will also find relaxation breathing techniques or meditation helpful.
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Rule of thumb – don’t forget iron!
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Due to the fact that during menstruation, the body loses (sometimes more and sometimes less) the amount of blood, during and for several days after menstruation, it is worth taking care of the right amount of iron-rich products in our body. Most often the loss is not great and the body can cope with this type of bleeding to some extent. So there is no need to take supplements, unless laboratory tests and consultation with a doctor indicate otherwise. If there are no such indications, the iron-rich foods presented in the infographic below should suffice.
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Infographic: Sources of iron in food.
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PMS, or what to eat before the next menstruation?
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The most common symptoms of PMS (pre-menstrual syndrome – PMSid = »h21 ″ id =» h22 ″>) include:
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- unreasonable irritability, irritability and anger,
- sadness, tearfulness and even depression,
- drop in self-esteem,
- increased breast sensitivity,
- swelling and water retention,
- intestinal problems: diarrhea or constipation
- headache, abdominal pain and joint pain,
- excessive fatigue.
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At the moment, we do not have one appropriate set of dietary recommendations that would certainly reduce symptoms in all women, especially since not all of us complain about this type of ailments. However, there are dietary rules that will help fight PMS in at least some women. So if you belong to the group who suffer from these troublesome ailments, I encourage you to try them.
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I know that very often before menstruation, you feel an increased desire for salty, sweet, fatty and generally unhealthy products. However, it is still worth refraining from excessive consumption. Women whose diets develop more fat, salt and simple sugars have a harder time before menstruation and the menstruation itself. Such a diet also promotes overweight and obesity, and therefore (as we already know) more intense menstrual pain. Therefore, in addition to eating vegetables and whole grains that increase the feeling of fullness, it is also worth remembering about the most regular meals possible, because regularity reduces the desire to snack.
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Additional substances that are worth paying attention to before menstruation are B vitamins, primarily B2, B6 and B12, the sources of which are presented in the graphic below, and calcium found, for example, in fortified dairy products nabialid = »h21 ″ id =» h22 ″> vegetable, small fish with bones, poppy seeds, almonds or kale.
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Due to the fact that before the period of water storage is a common and natural phenomenon, it is also worth paying attention to your diet in this area in order to be able to help yourself as much as possible.
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First of all, regular hydration is necessary, preferably with water – the hydrated body will store less fluid. In addition, it is worth giving up or significantly reducing the consumption of spicy spices, as well as salt and alcohol, which contribute to excessive fluid retention in our body. At the same time, an increased amount of potassium from e.g. tomatoes, potatoes, bananas or avocados will be useful. In addition to water, it is worth drinking nettle, horsetail or parsley infusions, which will help reduce swelling.
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At the end
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How we eat affects our mental and physical well-being before and during menstruation. Subjects of this type are rarely associated with the advice of a dietitian, we consult a gynecologist or a specialist in a similar field. Contrary to appearances, proper nutrition and sometimes a slight change in habits, however, can have a very positive effect on us.
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All the recommendations presented in the text will be appropriate for every woman, even those who do not experience increased discomfort before and during menstruation. Healthy eating and correct body weight is something that is always worth striving for, and if we can also help ourselves and feel better, then it is even more worth trying.
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