Painful menstruation – causes. Ways to reduce period pain

I have had severe pain in the lower abdomen for a long time during my period. The pain is very often spasmodic and is additionally accompanied by headache and diarrhea.

I report this problem to my doctor, who advised me to take painkillers and assured me that painful periods usually end after the first delivery. However, I am asking for advice, because I do not want to take painkillers for 5 days a month, and my period is often the reason for my absence from work. What could be the causes of such a painful period, what tests should I do and on what day of the cycle? ~ a woman from Warsaw

There are several causes of painful menstruation. Unfortunately, it is usually impossible to precisely determine which of the reasons applies to a given woman. Indeed, as a rule, the symptoms decrease considerably after pregnancy. But what to do until then? First of all, instead of painkillers, it is better to use antispasmodics and ordinary aspirin, which inhibits the release of prostaglandins, and they are responsible for most of the pain during menstruation. Secondly, you can use pills or other hormonal contraceptives, which will greatly reduce both the amount of bleeding and the perception of menstrual pain. However, painful menstruation due to organic causes, e.g. endometriosis or inflammation in the smaller pelvis should be ruled out beforehand. Talk to your gynecologist about it, usually gynecological examination and vaginal ultrasound are enough to rule out the above-mentioned causes.

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