Pain while urinating and possible causes

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What are the causes of pain when urinating? Can pain be eliminated with pain medications? Which specialist should you go to? The question is answered by the drug. Paweł Żmuda-Trzebiatowski.

What are the causes of pain when urinating

Hello, I am a woman and I am 19 years old. Since last week I have problem with urinating. That is, when urinating, I feel pain and burning. I don’t know what the reasons for this could be and how to deal with it. Are there any pain medications to help with pain when urinating? I have never had such problems before, so I do not know how to deal with it. The pain is sometimes less, sometimes more. Just when I thought the problem was over by itself, it’s reappeared.

What could they be causes of pain when urinating? Could this mean something dangerous to my health? Should I see a doctor? If so, is an ordinary internist enough? I am worried but afraid to tell my mother about the problem. As usual, he will start to whine and see everything in black, mentioning that I dress too cold, that I have caught a cold again and I don’t know what else. Therefore, please let me know what the pain is related to urinating and what are the possible causes of my ailments?

The doctor explains what may be causing the pain when urinating

Madam, symptoms may suggest urinary tract infection. Pain and burning when urinating most often indicate cystitis, possibly urethritis. Apart from pain in the suprapubic region and burning, itching, a feeling of incomplete emptying of the bladder and possibly haematuria are observed. Fever or low-grade fever is rare. I suggest that you do a general urine test and that you go to your GP.

With cystitis, bacteria and an increased number of leukocytes are observed in the urine. Untreated inflammation may persist for several days, hence the duration of your symptoms. If the family doctor confirms the UTI, he will recommend appropriate treatment in the form of antibiotic therapy with possible additional use of cranberry preparations, which acidify the urine. There is no need to do a general urine test after treatment has finished. If, despite the treatment, the symptoms persist for more than a week, urine culture with an antibiogram should be considered in order to use a targeted antibiotic.

In addition to urinary tract infection, inflammation in the genital tract, which may mimic the symptoms of cystitis, should also be taken into account. The primary care physician will take care of the exact differentiation and possible further diagnostics. The main thing is that there is no cause for concern. Such infections are very common, especially in young women.

– Lek. Paweł Żmuda-Trzebiatowski

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