Pain relief during childbirth. Video

Pain relief during childbirth. Video

Pregnancy and the expectation of a new life is always happiness. But women are often afraid that childbirth will be painful. Some techniques that have been used effectively for several years will help reduce pain and reduce stress.

Pain relief during childbirth: video

Classic methods of painless childbirth

The most effective methods are usually simple. Learn to relax! During pregnancy, protect yourself from stress, do yoga, meditate, listen to classical music, see beautiful photos. During the contractions process, don’t panic. If possible, listen to your favorite music and take it easy. Think about a baby who is about to be born. During the birth itself, do not hold your breath, relax your groin muscles. You can change your posture – squat or even walk. With severe pain at the peak of the contractions, frequent shallow breathing helps. Well relaxing massage of the sacrum, neck and pelvis. Also, water treatments often help – a warm bath or shower.

The music most favorable for the unborn child is light instrumental or classical, as well as sounds of nature and Indian mantras.

Sports: giving birth is easy and painless

It has been noticed that women with good physical fitness tolerate pain during childbirth much better, and the process itself is much faster. But even if you haven’t exercised before, gentle physical exercise during pregnancy can help relieve soreness. You can do yoga, water aerobics, and even light strength training. Many fitness clubs offer group classes for pregnant women. However, always consult your doctor first and check your coach’s qualifications carefully. The sports instructor must have special certificates that allow working with pregnant women.

Be sure to consult your doctor before exercising. If you have toxicosis, polyhydramnios, placenta previa, any inflammatory processes or chronic diseases, it is better not to risk it

The Bradley Method – Pros and Cons

In the 40s of the last century, the American doctor R. Bradley first proposed a shocking idea – childbirth in the presence of her husband. More precisely, it was shocking then, but now it is quite normal practice. Joint childbirth is widely promoted by show business stars and many eminent doctors. Some happy fathers even shoot videos of the birth process. Ideally, the husband prepares for the birth of a child for all 9 months, he goes with his wife to all consultations and classes, reads literature about childbirth. It is believed that the presence of a beloved man instills confidence and calmness in a woman. Is this so, you decide. All families are individual. You should not force your spouse to give birth together if he is categorically against it. Or maybe you yourself will be uncomfortable to appear to your husband in an unprepossessing form.

Medication pain relief: pros and cons

There are times when women in labor feel literally unbearable pain. This may be due to a low pain threshold, high stress levels, or body characteristics. Very strong painful sensations can cause stress, convulsive muscle contraction, increased pressure and even loss of consciousness. Therefore, in such cases, it is advisable to use anesthesia. Some clinics may offer acupuncture – targeting specific points can reduce pain. As an analgesic, women in labor are most often given promedol, it has a minimum of side effects. A relatively new method is epidural anesthesia. With this method, an anesthetic injection is given directly into the spinal cord.

However, despite the variety of medical methods, it is still better when the baby is born naturally.

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