Pain in the spleen: how and why does it hurt, what to do?

The spleen is an organ of the human body, which is of significant importance, since it helps to normalize the human metabolism. It performs a hematopoietic function, forming lymphocytes and erythrocytes, and is also a natural filter, since it perfectly cleanses the blood of harmful substances, viruses, various bacteria, and forms immunity.

Quite rarely, one remembers diseases of the spleen, until she herself reminds of herself with pain. Ailments in the area of ​​​​this organ indicate that normal work is disrupted. Since the spleen has no pain receptors, its pathology can only be detected with a full examination by a specialist. Malfunctions of the spleen are always fraught with some loss of the ability of the human body to fight numerous diseases.

Why does the spleen hurt?

A number of significant factors are known that are the causes of pain in the spleen. Direct damage to an organ due to external and internal influences. Such impacts include a gunshot wound, cut and stab wounds, severe internal injuries, as well as a fracture of the ribs on the left side. The most dangerous injuries of the spleen are often accompanied by dangerous internal hemorrhages, with rather intense pain and possible traumatic shock.

Causes of pain in the spleen

The cause of pain in the spleen may be the presence of parasites. One of the most common is considered single-chamber echinococcus. If you do not start treatment on time, then dangerous ruptures in the spleen are likely. It is rather difficult to fix the presence of parasites; therefore, modern methods of ultrasound examination and a tomograph are used.

The existence of tumors of a benign or malignant type is quite possible. Unfortunately, at an early stage it is quite difficult to find out, therefore, with muffled pain in the left side of the side and heaviness, you should immediately go to the doctor.

Symptoms of pain in the spleen

Pain in the spleen: how and why does it hurt, what to do?

Damage to the spleen is signaled by severe pain on the left side of the hypochondrium, subsequently the pain can capture the area from the shoulder to the shoulder blade. Nausea and vomiting, tremors, low blood pressure, bloodlessness and shortness of breath also signal abnormal functioning. If a person has the above symptoms, he will certainly need to lie on his back or reclining on his left side.

Various infectious diseases of other organs are the result of damage to the spleen. These are serious consequences of typhoid fever, anthrax, sepsis, infectious lymphocytosis and mononucleosis, malaria, hepatitis, syphilis and other ailments. The existence of blood clots in the arteries can cause infarction of the spleen. Atherosclerosis, diffuse diseases, leukemia, lymphosarcoma, certain infectious diseases often cause a blood clot. As a rule, signs of thrombosis of the spleen are detected when it is inflamed.

Abscess of the spleen is activated with certain consequences of infectious diseases. Salmonellosis, post-infarction, post-traumatic infections can be the causes of an abscess. The first sign of a spleen abscess is fever. In addition, many patients complain of severe left-sided pain. With tuberculosis of the spleen, there is a strong increase in its volume, which is accompanied by incredibly severe pain.

With an increase in the spleen, a dense protrusion appears in the left side, the skin turns pale, in particular the front of the head. Coughing, any movement, even lying on the left side, is accompanied by stabbing pain and considerable pressure. There is fatigue of the body, decreased immunity and pain in the umbilical region. The human lymphatic system, in this case, is always affected by poisons and toxins. Most likely they are the result of the work of pathogenic microbes that have remained in our body due to untreated infectious diseases.

You can fight these serious diseases in various ways, the main thing is to warm those places that are affected by the infection. You can use pepper plaster or warm compresses.

What to do with pain in the spleen?

Initially, spleen disease does not manifest itself as pain, they often occur after its significant increase. Therefore, as soon as the slightest discomfort appears in this area, the above signs of the disease are visible, you should immediately contact a therapist. After examining the patient, the doctor will be able to establish the condition of the organ using standard palpation during the inhalation period. The doctor’s conclusion must also be confirmed by the results of modern tests, the necessary ultrasound and tomography studies.

It is worth treating the very cause of the disease in order to avoid repeated failures in the spleen. Having established a preliminary diagnosis, the therapist will refer to the appropriate professional: infectious disease specialist, hematologist, traumatologist, surgeon or oncologist. If the treatment does not give the expected results, then the issue is resolved with the help of surgical intervention. Many doctors recommend eating right and leading a healthy lifestyle in order to prevent such serious consequences.

To quickly normalize the functioning of the lymphatic system, proper breathing is necessary. With a deep inhalation and exhalation, the muscles that are responsible for the movement of the lungs stretch, put pressure on the lymphatic vessels of the intestine, which accelerates the movement of blood through the vessels. The work of the spleen will also improve with regular physical activity, special exercises and walking. This results in faster and deeper breathing.

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