Pain in the right side: symptoms and treatment. Video
Pain in the right side is a common reason to see a doctor. The causes of malaise are varied. Often, in the absence of data from instrumental and radiological examination methods, it is rather difficult to make a diagnosis. However, it is quite possible to assume the cause of the unpleasant sensations.
Pain in the right side: causes and characteristic symptoms
There are several reasons for pain in the right side. This can be a consequence of chronic or acute diseases, as well as diseases requiring conservative treatment. For example, in acute cholecystitis, inflammation of the gallbladder, hepatitis, enlarged liver due to heart failure, gastric ulcer, colon cancer, painful sensations are localized to the right.
When pain occurs, you can not self-medicate. You must immediately consult a doctor in order to timely carry out surgery or start the prescribed therapy on an outpatient basis.
If the increasing throbbing pain is felt in the right side in the lower abdomen, this can be a signal of cecum cancer, ulcer perforation. It is very important to pay attention to the nature of the pain. If it is pulling, it can be assumed that the liver capsule is stretched as a result of its enlargement, which usually happens with hepatitis.
Sharp and burning – may be evidence of gallbladder disease. The main reason for the malfunction of this organ is the formation of stones in it. The number of foreign bodies can vary widely from a few pieces to several thousand. The pain on the right under the ribs will be very sharp when an organ ruptures or peritonitis begins. In addition, they do not subside over time and others are added to this symptom, for example, temperature.
Pain in the right side in women
In almost all gynecological diseases, the first symptom is abdominal pain:
- an ectopic pregnancy gives a lot of unpleasant sensations. This disease does not go away without symptoms. As a rule, the pathological development of the ovum outside the uterine cavity leads to stretching and even rupture of the fallopian tube. At first, the woman experiences a pulling dull pain in the lower abdomen, and after perforation – a sharp sharp pain. If measures are not taken in time, the disease will be fatal.
- chronic adnexitis is manifested by constant pulling and dull pain, and acute right-sided adnexitis – strong incessant. Unpleasant sensations spread to the inner thigh, lower back and perineum
Urological causes of pain in the right side
Urolithiasis can also cause pain. For example, with glomerulonephritis, pyelonephritis, kidney tumors, hydronephrosis, shooting pains appear. The attacks last about 20 minutes and then gradually subside.
If the cause of the pain is pyelonephritis, the urine becomes cloudy, with impurities of pus
More serious diseases are indicated by red or purple urine. Against this background, body temperature may rise, nausea, vomiting may appear.
Hola Bones!!Fa mesos que sentó un dolor a la part baixa de l’esquena que es com punchades,fins ara en dura a poc pero ara fa cosa de dies que em dura cosa de 5 minuta i es molt mes intens.Amb aixo que he estat fent la caca verda.I de tant en tant tinc acÃdesa els vespres i molts de gasos i s’em buteix la pancha.Pero el metge diu que estic bè….