Pain in the right side from behind, from the back

Pain in the right side, manifested from the back, is a symptom that can indicate many diseases, including serious ones. If the patient gets to a specialist on time, this will allow him to avoid fatal complications and receive proper treatment.

When does pain appear?

Pain in the right side, felt in the back area, is a symptom, the appearance of which is possible with the following diseases.

  1. Muscles of the back or spine

  2. Diseases of the respiratory system:

    • Pleurisy (“dry”);

    • Pneumonia;

    • Pneumothorax;

    • Cancer of the bronchi, lungs.

  3. Diseases of the digestive system:

    • intestinal colic;

    • Acute cholecystitis

    • Appendicitis.

  4. Diseases of the urinary system:

    • Retroperitoneal hematoma;

    • Hydronephrosis;

    • Glomerulonephritis;

    • Pyelonephritis;

    • kidney abscess;

    • Renal colic (kidney stones).

  5. Damage to the spine, spinal cord:

    • Osteochondrosis;

    • Spondylosis;

    • Intervertebral hernia.

The list of possible diseases in which there is pain in the right side, localized behind, is quite long. Be sure to pay attention to the nature of pain, to the accompanying symptoms.

Muscles of the back or spine

According to the National Institute of Neurological Disorders (NINDS), 80% of adults experience low back pain on a regular basis. Much of this pain is caused by mechanical problems such as:

  1. Overstretching or tearing of a ligament due to improper lifting.

  2. Degeneration of the cushioning spinal disc due to aging or normal wear and tear.

  3. Muscle tension due to poor posture.

Treatment depends on the cause and severity of your condition. Your doctor may initially recommend more conservative options, such as physical therapy or medication to reduce inflammation. If conservative treatments don’t help, or if your condition is severe, your doctor may recommend surgery. [1]

Respiratory system diseases

Pain in the right side, manifested from the back, are among the characteristic signs of pathologies of the respiratory system.

  • Inflammation of the pleura (pleurisy) is exudative and dry, in both cases it can manifest itself as a sharp pain when breathing. With a purulent form, inadequate breathing from the affected side is added to severe pain on the right. The dry form reports itself with cutting pain attacks, activated by movement, coughing.

    Pleurisy and other pleural disorders are treated with: [2]

    1. Relief of symptoms (ibuprofen, cough syrups).

    2. Removal of fluid, air, or blood from the pleural space (if large amounts are present).

    3. Treatment of the underlying condition.

  • Inflammation of the lungs (right-sided pneumonia) is accompanied by symptoms such as fever, wheezing in the lungs, cough. The intensity of pain varies.

  • Spontaneous pneumothorax gives a sharp sudden pain that radiates to the shoulder blade. This is a condition in which air enters the lungs (pleural space). As a rule, with the help of a needle or tube, the doctor releases air; this procedure does not require general anesthesia.

  • Lung cancer – diseases that are characterized by pulling pains, localized in the back on the right, it is also possible to capture the scapula, right shoulder. The syndrome is activated as the tumor grows, in the process of movement, coughing, breathing.  

Diseases of the digestive system

Pain that is centered in the back of the right side may also indicate problems related to the digestive system.

  • Acute cholecystitis is a disease in which pain is concentrated in the right intercostal space, can be given to the shoulder girdle, shoulder blade, right shoulder. In some cases, a burning sensation in the lower back also joins. The duration of an attack can range from several days to several hours. Additional symptoms are fever, bouts of vomiting.

  • Intestinal colic can also cause pain in this area. You can eliminate it with the help of No-Shpa, often it disappears on its own.

  • Acute appendicitis can also cause pain in the back of the right side. This rare symptom appears if the appendicular process is localized behind the caecum, enlarged, swollen.

    The traditional treatment is to remove the appendix (appendectomy). Some cases can be treated with antibiotics alone, meaning you may not need surgery. In one such study, nearly 75% of people who received antibiotics for appendicitis did not require an appendectomy. [3]

Diseases of the urinary system

Many diseases of the kidneys can cause pain in the back in the right side.

  • Glomerulonephritis, hydronephrosis, kidney abscess and other pathologies are marked by aching, pulling, dull and sharp pains. The pain increases if you press on the lumbar region.

  • Stones in the kidneys. Renal colic (obstruction of the ureter with a calculus) gives acute pain in the lumbar region, nausea, vomiting, hematuria. Also, this type of pain may indicate renal artery thrombosis.

  • Despite the fact that kidney stones make up about 30-40% of all causes of hospitalization in the urological departments of hospitals, kidney pain can also be triggered by infection (pyelonephritis). The most common cause of kidney infections is bacteria (E. coli) entering the urinary tract through the urethra. [4]

Problems of the spinal cord, spine

Intervertebral hernia, osteochondrosis, spondylosis, pinched nerve roots – all these problems can cause severe pain, localized on the right side of the back. In order not to confuse the pathology of the spine with other diseases, it is worth studying other signs. A feeling of stiffness appears in the back, the pain attack increases with movement, radiates to the chest, limbs, and groin area. It is also possible the occurrence of numbness, “goosebumps”.

Severe pain is possible with a fracture of the scapula, ribs on the right. It is activated by coughing, deep breathing, movements.

How to calculate the “sick organ”?

Often, people experiencing pain, concentrating in the right side from behind, have no idea which specialist to contact, which organ the problem is associated with. Of course, only a specialist can determine the exact diagnosis after completing a full examination.

However, the dislocation, intensity and nature of pain attacks can tell something about something:

  • Right under the shoulder blade. Perhaps the problem is neurological in nature, is the result of a pinched nerve. You can also suspect lung diseases: pneumonia, pleurisy, lung cancer.

  • Under the ribs. The liver and pancreas are located here, the gallbladder is located. Pathologies of any of these organs can serve as a source of pain. With prolonged pain, the liver is checked first.

  • Right in the center. Most likely, the problem is related to kidney disease.

  • Lower right back. Pain attacks can indicate pathologies and injuries of the spine, hernia. It is also possible that there are problems with the urinary system. In the latter situation, the pain does not subside in any position.

Back pain on the right can disturb a person in the morning. Possible problems that cause pain after waking up are the wrong mattress, muscle dystrophy.

Do I need to call an ambulance?

There are diseases that require emergency treatment, in some cases we are talking about surgical intervention. Often the patient’s life directly depends on the speed with which medical help comes. You should definitely call an ambulance if there is such a symptom as a sharp, unexpected and non-stopping pain felt on the right side of the back. Additional symptoms are weakness, fainting, dizziness.

In any case, you can not independently prescribe medications for yourself without passing a medical examination. In the most extreme case, you can use painkillers to temporarily eliminate the symptom. However, it is possible to completely get rid of pain only after the elimination of the cause of its appearance.

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