Pain in the left side worries many women and men. In the most innocuous case, the left side hurts due to gas formation, after intense training and fast walking. Too frequent and severe pain in the left side signal health problems.
We asked our experts about the most common causes of left side pain in men and women. They also learned what diagnostic and treatment methods are used if the patient has pain in the left side.
Physiology of men and women
In any person, the left side is divided into two segments: upper and lower. In the upper part are the pancreas, the left side of the stomach, the adrenal gland, part of the left kidney, part of the large intestine and the small intestine. In the lower segment are the bladder, part of the left kidney, small and large intestine. In women, unlike men, the left ovary and fallopian tube are located in this area. Therefore, pain in the left side in women can be caused by gynecological problems.
Causes of pain in the left side
Pain in the left side is provoked by injuries, acute and chronic pathologies of internal organs. The most common causes of pain are diseases of the pancreas, urinary tract and intestines. Women may experience pain and discomfort during ovulation and with certain diseases of the reproductive system. Consider what pathologies and conditions most often cause pain in the left side.
A nonspecific infectious-inflammatory process in the kidneys is accompanied by acute pain in the lower back and left side – between the lumbar spine and the 12th rib. Pain on the left side occurs when the left kidney is affected. Acute inflammation is often accompanied by fever and chills1,2.
Urolithiasis disease
The appearance of stones in the upper urinary tract can cause moderate pain in the lumbar region. Acute pain occurs with renal colic3. In this condition, a stone gets stuck in the ureter or kidney, which interferes with the outflow of urine and blood supply to the kidney. Pain in renal colic is very strong, cramping, spreads to the thigh and genitals, does not decrease at rest3.
With diverticulosis, hollow “bags” – diverticula – form on the intestinal mucosa. Periodically, they can become inflamed and bleed, which causes pain in the lower abdomen, which is aggravated by coughing and exercise.
bowel cancer
Malignant tumors put pressure on nearby tissues and nerve endings, which causes severe pain. Pain in the left lower or upper abdomen may be associated with sigmoid colon cancer. In this case, the patient also has other symptoms of pathology – blood in the stool, constipation, diarrhea.
Ovarian cyst
A cyst of the left ovary often causes a dull aching pain in the left lower abdomen. The pain may radiate to the sacrum or rectum. Pain increases if a large amount of content accumulates inside the cyst. When the cyst ruptures, acute pain is observed with dizziness, nausea and vomiting.
Ectopic pregnancy
In an ectopic pregnancy, the fertilized egg attaches itself outside the uterine cavity. It most often occurs in the fallopian (fallopian) tubes. The growth of the embryo causes stretching and rupture of the tube, which often ends in massive bleeding and can be fatal4. With an ectopic pregnancy, a woman experiences pain in the lower abdomen with irradiation to the rectum4. Impaired pregnancy is accompanied by nausea, vomiting, decreased blood pressure, dizziness and fainting4.
Панкреатит – воспаление поджелудочной железы с отеком поврежденного органа и близлежащих тканей, что провоцирует болезненные ощущения5,6. Most often, the pain is localized in the epigastric region (in the center of the abdomen between the hypochondria), but sometimes it also captures the left side or can be girdle5,6. Боль отдает в спину, усиливается после приема пищи и уменьшается, если человек сидит или наклоняется вперед5,6.
Intestinal polyps
Polyps are benign growths on the intestinal mucosa. Pain in the left side of the abdomen can cause multiple and large polyps of the sigmoid colon. Unpleasant sensations are exacerbated by sudden movements and leaning forward.
Spleen injury
Повреждение селезенки часто наблюдается при травмах органов брюшной полости, переломе ребер и позвоночника. Травмирование этого органа сопровождается болью в левом подреберье, которая может отдавать в левую лопатку или плечо.
Myocardial infarction
With an atypical form of myocardial infarction, pain sometimes occurs in the left side. As a rule, it is accompanied by other symptoms: shortness of breath, changes in blood pressure, severe weakness, cold clammy sweat. This condition is life threatening and requires urgent medical attention.
Лечение боли в левом боку
Тактика лечения боли в левом боку зависит от причины дискомфорта. При травмах и острых состояниях – например, разрыве селезенки, инфаркте миокарда и внематочной беременности – может потребоваться оперативное вмешательство. В большинстве случаев пациенту назначают консервативную терапию с использованием медикаментов и физиопроцедур. В любом случае лечению предшествует диагностика.
Diagnostic measures begin with a visual examination, which is carried out by a therapist, gastroenterologist, surgeon, gynecologist or other specialist. During the examination, the abdomen is necessarily palpated in order to assess the condition of the abdominal wall and abdominal organs. Based on the results of the examination, instrumental and laboratory studies are prescribed:
- УЗИ брюшной полости, чтобы изучить размеры и состояние органов, выявить абсцессы и новообразования;
- Ultrasound of the pelvic organs – prescribed for women to exclude or confirm gynecological diseases;
- radiography – to check the condition of the intestines and spleen;
- spleen scintigraphy to assess the condition and functional activity of the organ;
- лабораторные анализы: гемограмму, клинический анализ мочи, анализ крови на глюкозу.
If necessary, use additional diagnostic methods. In women with suspected ectopic pregnancy, a urine test is performed for the presence of human chorionic gonadotropin. Problems with the pancreas are detected using a coprogram. Sometimes patients are prescribed laparoscopic studies, positron emission tomography.
Modern treatments
Доврачебная помощь включает соблюдение диеты, если боль в левом боку вызвана погрешностями в питании. Можно использовать спазмолитические и антисекреторные средства, чтобы снять спазм, нормализовать работу поджелудочной железы и кишечника.
For complex therapy apply:
- nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs;
- antibacterial drugs;
- enzymes;
- probiotics;
- preparations of female sex hormones;
- antisecretory drugs;
- ингибиторы протеолиза.
For neurological disorders, sedative herbal preparations and light sleeping pills are often prescribed. Many diseases respond well to physical therapy. The most commonly used are reflexology, UHF therapy, magnetotherapy.
Prevention of pain in the left side at home
The most effective measures to prevent pain in the left side at home are proper nutrition, regular exercise, and a reasonable work and rest schedule. All other preventive measures are implemented in a medical institution. Doctors recommend to undergo an annual medical examination, monitor the condition of the gastrointestinal tract and urinary system. It is necessary to periodically do an ECG, ultrasound of the kidneys and abdominal cavity, and women should be observed by a gynecologist, do an ultrasound of the pelvic organs and colposcopy.
Popular questions and answers
Боль в левом боку – распространенная жалоба на приеме у врача. Однако многие мужчины и женщины не считают этот симптом опасным и не обращаются к специалистам. Мы спросили у экспертов, когда человеку требуется медицинская помощь. А также выяснили, как снять боль в левом боку и стоит ли это делать.
When can pain in the left side be dangerous?
When to see a doctor for pain in the left side?
How can I relieve pain in my left side?
- Acute pyelonephritis. Clinical guidelines. Russian Society of Urologists. 2019
- Chronic pyelonephritis in adults. Clinical guidelines. Russian Society of Urologists. 2019 year.
- Clinical guidelines. Urolithiasis disease. Russian Society of Urologists. 2020
- Ectopic (ectopic pregnancy). Clinical guidelines. Russian Society of Obstetricians and Gynecologists. 2021
- Acute pancreatitis. Clinical guidelines. Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation 2020
- Recommendations of the Russian Gastroenterological Association for the diagnosis and treatment of chronic pancreatitis. year 2014.