Pain in the left hypochondrium in women and men
В левом подреберье у мужчин и женщин расположено несколько жизненно важных органов, к примеру желудок, поджелудочная железа, селезенка. Не удивительно, что боль в этой области может вызвать у человека беспокойство

Both men and women complain of episodic or regular pain in the left hypochondrium. Pain sensations are sharp and aching, weak and intense, cause serious discomfort or practically do not interfere with everyday life. The causes of pain in the left hypochondrium are also diverse – from trauma to inflammation and tumors.

Our experts talked about the most common causes of pain in the left hypochondrium in women and men, and about the current methods of diagnosis and treatment. They also advised preventive measures and explained in what cases it is necessary to consult a doctor.

Physiology of men and women

In the area under the left rib, women and men have the same organs. This is the spleen, pancreas, part of the stomach, large and small intestines. Therefore, the causes of pain in the left hypochondrium in men and women are identical. However, there is an exception – women in the second and third trimester of pregnancy sometimes experience pain in this area due to the pressure of the uterus on the internal organs. Painful sensations are usually weak, appear due to physical activity or an uncomfortable body position and pass on their own.

Causes of pain in the left hypochondrium

There are many vital organs to the left under the ribs, and each of them can be a potential source of pain. Most often, discomfort is associated with pathologies of the pancreas, stomach and spleen, but it is impossible to draw unambiguous conclusions before the examination. It happens that discomfort is caused by an organ located in another part of the body. For example, heart pain may radiate to the area under the left rib. Next, consider the most common causes of pain in the left hypochondrium.

Acute and chronic pancreatitis

Acute and chronic inflammation of the pancreas is called pancreatitis. An attack of acute pancreatitis develops due to a violation of the diet, alcohol consumption and other reasons.1. In this case, a person feels unbearable pain in the left hypochondrium, and the pain can become girdle and capture the upper abdomen and back. Frequent vomiting and fever1.

In chronic pancreatitis, pain is dull and aching, occurs in the “deep” of the abdomen and spreads upwards, accompanied by a feeling of heaviness under the left rib, nausea and steatorrhea – copious unformed stools with undigested particles1.


Chronic gastritis is the most “popular” disease of the gastrointestinal tract, which is diagnosed in 15-30% of the population.2. With this pathology, the mucous membrane of the stomach becomes inflamed. This is most often caused by the bacterium Helicobacter pylori.2. Patients with gastritis may complain of pain in the upper part of the stomach and under the left rib2. Painful sensations are sharp, aching, stabbing and are usually associated with eating.2.

Gastric and duodenal ulcer

A stomach and duodenal ulcer is a chronic disease in which ulcerative defects appear on the mucous membrane of these organs. Like gastritis, ulcers are most often caused by the bacterium Helicobacter pylori.3,4. In a typical course of the disease, regular pains are observed in the upper part of the stomach, which can “migrate” to the left hypochondrium, give to the right shoulder and shoulder blade3,4. Painful sensations can occur at night, on an empty stomach and some time after eating.3,4. The pains are different – aching, sharp, paroxysmal or “dagger” with a perforated stomach ulcer3,4.

Spleen injury

With a bruise and rupture of the spleen, there is a sharp pain in the left hypochondrium. Its intensity depends on how badly the organ is damaged. Usually the pain is sharp and stabbing, forcing the patient to lie down, bend over and press his knees to his stomach. The pain may radiate to the left shoulder blade and the region of the heart.

Enlargement of the spleen (splenomegaly)

This is not an independent disease, but a condition that develops against the background of various pathologies: tumors, autoimmune and infectious diseases. With splenomegaly, the spleen increases in size, and the patient begins to be disturbed by dull aching pains in the left hypochondrium, which are aggravated by bending the torso and physical activity.

Myocardial infarction

In myocardial infarction, heart muscle cells die due to lack of blood supply. Sometimes the process is asymptomatic, but more often it is accompanied by pressing pain and burning in the central part of the chest.6. Pain can be given to the left shoulder, arm, jaw, epigastric region, and sometimes to the left hypochondrium6. The patient has a sharp drop in blood pressure, an increased heart rate, and the skin is covered with cold sweat.6.

Intercostal neuralgia

Intercostal neuralgia develops when the intercostal nerves or their roots are compressed due to trauma, infection, endocrine disorders, and for many other reasons.5. A characteristic sign of neuralgia is acute severe pain along the intercostal nerves.5. In some cases, pain is localized under the left rib5. Patients often describe the pain as a “shoot through” or “electric shock.”

Treatment of pain in the left hypochondrium

For the treatment of pain in the left hypochondrium, conservative and surgical methods are used. But first you need to make an accurate diagnosis, since the causes of pain are very diverse. Therefore, when a pain syndrome appears, you should consult a general practitioner, who, if necessary, will refer you to a narrow specialist: a surgeon, a gastroenterologist, a neurologist.


Diagnosis begins with the fact that the doctor listens to complaints and examines the patient. The standard examination scheme includes listening (auscultation), palpation (palpation) and tapping (percussion). For an experienced doctor, even such “ancient” diagnostic methods can be very informative. Laboratory and instrumental methods help to make an accurate diagnosis, first of all:

  • Ultrasound of the abdominal cavity – during the examination, the size and shape of the spleen and pancreas are assessed, splenomegaly, cysts, tumors are detected;
  • x-ray examination of the abdominal cavity with contrast – to diagnose ulcerative defects of the stomach and duodenum 123,4;
  • electrocardiography – if myocardial infarction is suspected;
  • FEGDS – endoscopic examination of the stomach and duodenum to assess the condition of the mucous membrane, determine the size and condition of the ulcer3,4;
  • pH meter – determination of the acidity of gastric juice in case of suspected gastritis and peptic ulcer;
  • general and biochemical blood tests – allows you to detect an inflammatory process, determine the indicators of pancreatic enzymes, determine the concentration of proteins and enzymes that indicate damage to the myocardium.

The diagnostic plan may include other methods of examination. In some cases, the patient is shown MRI, CT and FEGDS with biopsy. If the diagnosis is difficult, diagnostic laparoscopy can be used. During the procedure, the doctor examines the abdominal organs through a laparoscope.

Modern treatments

In emergency cases, the treatment of pain in the left hypochondrium requires surgery and intensive care. For example, patients with acute pancreatitis are shown extracorporeal detoxification, the introduction of infusion solutions, epidural anesthesia1. Injuries to the spleen may require suturing or removal of the organ.

Conservative treatment of pain in the left hypochondrium depends on the diagnosis:

  • proton pump inhibitors and antibiotics are often used to treat gastritis and peptic ulcers3,4;
  • in pancreatitis with insufficient secretory function, enzymes and probiotics are prescribed1;
  • with infectious splenomegaly, antibiotics, antiviral and antiprotozoal agents are indicated;
  • in myocardial infarction, narcotic analgesics, nitroglycerin preparations, antiplatelet agents, thrombolytics, antiarrhythmics, beta-blockers can be used6.

During periods of remission and recovery, patients with myocardial infarction, pancreatitis, gastritis and peptic ulcer are recommended to take spa treatment. Most patients are shown physiotherapy: UHF, magnetotherapy, electrophoresis.

Prevention of pain in the left hypochondrium at home

There are no universal methods for preventing pain in the left hypochondrium, but it is still advisable to follow some recommendations. Proper nutrition, smoking cessation and alcohol abuse will help prevent the development of gastrointestinal pathologies. Patients with cardiovascular disease, chronic pancreatitis, gastritis, and peptic ulcer should take medication, diet, and follow other doctor’s orders.

Popular questions and answers

Pain in the left hypochondrium is a very common symptom, so many are interested in in what cases it occurs and how dangerous it can be. Our experts answer popular questions from readers: Toxicologist, Professor Mikhail Kutushov and others. m. Olga Arisheva, gastroenterologist.

When can pain in the left hypochondrium be dangerous?

Acute pain in the left hypochondrium is considered dangerous, which is accompanied by a deterioration in the general condition: tachycardia, nausea, vomiting, and a drop in blood pressure. It is worth worrying if the pain occurs regularly and intensifies over time.

When to see a doctor for pain in the left hypochondrium?

They seek medical help in case of acute pain syndrome and if pain and discomfort bother you for a long time (a month or more).

How can I relieve pain in the left hypochondrium?

With an attack of acute pancreatitis, refusal to eat and cold compresses on the upper abdomen can help, but these are temporary measures, and the patient will need medical help in any case. With intercostal neuralgia, dry heat should be applied to the affected area, such as mustard plasters or an electric heating pad5. With gastritis and stomach ulcers, antispasmodics and antisecretory agents can help3,4.


  1. Chronic pancreatitis: exocrine insufficiency and its correction. Journal “Attending Doctor” No. 6 for 2018. T. E. Polunina
  2. Chronic gastritis: from a histological protocol to the rationale for etiopathogenetic therapy. Journal “Attending Doctor” No. 2 for 2021. Dolgalev, Kareva, Lyalyukova, Pavlova.
  3. Peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum. Clinical guidelines 12.
  4. Modern approaches to the treatment of gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer. Journal of the Attending Physician. No. 12 for 5.
  5. Intercostal neuralgia. L. S. Manvelov, candidate of medical sciences. GU Scientific Center of Neurology of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences.
  6. Myocardial infarction: clinic, diagnosis, treatment. Journal “Attending Doctor” No. 2 for 2009.

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