Pain in the hip joint
The hip joint experiences a huge load every day, so with age it becomes easier to damage it. Pain in the hip joint is an alarm signal that may indicate an injury or inflammation, so it cannot be ignored.

The hip joint is the largest of the joints in the human body. It accounts for the main load when running, walking and even in a sitting position. The risk of damage to it increases with falls, jumping, lifting weights, hypothermia and infection. Therefore, pain in the hip joint can be associated not only with injuries1.

Causes of pain in the hip joint

Pain in the hip joint can be caused by a variety of reasons, so only a doctor can make an accurate diagnosis. Consider the most common reasons.

Traumatic injury

  • Dislocation of the hip. It is characterized by severe pain and limited movement. A person cannot sit, walk or stand.
  • Fractures. Acute pain is felt at the time of the fracture, increases with movement, it is impossible to lean on the sore leg.
  • Injury. The pain intensifies during movement, and at rest it may not disturb.


The cause of coxarthrosis is degenerative-dystrophic processes, affecting mainly cartilage and other structures of the hip joint. As a result, the support and motor function is impaired.

There are primary (postmenopausal, senile) coxarthrosis and secondary, which occurs against the background of infectious lesions and inflammatory processes, as well as with uncontrolled intake of certain drugs (for example, glucocorticoids and systemic immunosuppressors).

Often, coxarthrosis occurs in people over 40 years of age for no apparent reason. In younger people and athletes, the development of coxarthrosis can be provoked by injuries: ruptures of the meniscus, ligaments of the hip joint (post-traumatic coxarthrosis).

In primary coxarthrosis, aching pain in the hip joint first occurs during exercise and movement, while walking increases. In the second stage, the pain begins to radiate to the groin, thigh.

infectious arthritis

Severe inflammation of the joints caused by bacteria, fungi, parasites. Most often, a sharp pain appears already at the very beginning of the disease and may be accompanied by fever, chills, redness and swelling of the joint.

Pain in infectious pathologies in the hip joint can be of different types: burning, pulling, arching. Most often they are so strong that they deprive a person of sleep and rest.

Autoimmune joint damage

The defeat of the hip joint can cause such autoimmune diseases as rheumatoid and psoriatic arthritis, systemic lupus erythematosus and others. At the first stage, the pains can be relatively bearable, but the more the disease progresses, the more acute they are.

Benign and malignant neoplasms

At the initial stage of the disease, pain is minor and intermittent. Benign tumors develop slowly, so the pain syndrome increases gradually. Malignant neoplasms progress much faster, so the pain very soon becomes intense and constant.


By what signs can you understand that it is the hip joint that hurts:

1. Pain localized in this particular joint does not go away for several days;

2. The pain forces you to change position frequently when the person is sitting or lying down;

3. When moving, a crunch appears in the joint;

4. Pain can radiate to the groin, lower back, knee, often accompanied by weakness.

Treating hip pain

The approach to treating hip pain is always complex. It is important that it is aimed not only at pain relief, but also at eliminating the cause. Doctors of different specialties can be involved: traumatologist-orthopedist, rheumatologist, physiotherapist, chiropractor, exercise therapy doctor, therapist.

Pain in the hip joint can be eliminated both by non-invasive (without incisions and punctures) methods, and surgically. It all depends on the disease that caused the pain, and its stage.2.

Non-invasive treatments:

  • Drug therapy – taking non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), which slow down the formation of prostaglandins (substances that contribute to the development of inflammation and the pain that accompanies it). It is possible to use antibacterial agents and chondroprotectors (drugs that restore the cartilaginous tissue of the joint).
  • Physiotherapy helps to strengthen muscles, normalize blood circulation and improve joint mobility.
  • Massage and manual therapy good effect on blood circulation and muscle condition.
  • Therapeutic exercisestrengthens muscles and ligaments.

Invasive treatments:

Invasive treatments for hip pain include therapeutic blockades. During the procedure, an anesthetic or a glucocorticosteroid is injected into the joint itself or the periarticular tissues.

Therapeutic blockade helps to relieve pain and inflammation, helps to relax muscles and improve blood supply to tissues. It is possible to inject hyaluronic acid and chondroprotectors into the joint.


For the diagnosis of diseases of the hip joints are used:

  1. Laboratory methods: clinical blood test, biochemical, serological, immunological, genetic blood tests.
  2. Instrumental methods:
  • Radiography of the hip joint is the main diagnostic method that allows you to assess the condition of the bones of the joint, to detect dislocations, cracks, fractures.
  • X-ray densitometry – determination of bone mineral density for the diagnosis or exclusion of osteopenia / osteoporosis.
  • Computed tomography of the hip joint is an X-ray examination, as a result of which the doctor receives a three-dimensional image of the joint.
  • Magnetic resonance imaging of the hip joint is a diagnostic method used to study the condition of the soft tissues around the joint.

Each of the diagnostic methods is not interchangeable. It is necessary to consult with the attending physician, who will prescribe the most appropriate examination in a particular case and determine further treatment tactics.

Modern treatments

Radiofrequency denervation

Radiofrequency denervation of the hip joint is a modern and safe method of getting rid of chronic pain syndrome, which could not be overcome with the help of drugs and physiotherapy. During the session, certain nerves are pointwise “heated”, after which they cannot send pain signals from the damaged joint for some time. One session of radiofrequency denervation can relieve a person of pain for a long time – from six months to two years.


One of the most effective modern surgical methods is hip arthroscopy. The operation is low-traumatic, allowing the surgeon to “look” into the hip joint, accurately determine the focus of the pathology and get rid of many problems.


Hip arthroplasty is the replacement of a damaged joint with an implant. Thanks to the possibilities of modern medicine, arthroplasty is now a low-traumatic operation, which is performed through a small incision.3.

Prevention of pain in the hip joint

For the prevention of pain in the hip joint, it is necessary to avoid injuries, risky jumps, and lifting weights beyond your capabilities.

Women need to observe the orthopedic regimen in the pre- and postpartum period – wear a bandage and comfortable shoes. Pilates and yoga classes are useful, but always under the supervision of specialists.

Popular questions and answers

Popular questions about hip pain and its treatment are answered by general practitioner Shota Kalandia.

When can hip pain be dangerous?

– It is dangerous not to pay attention to the pain in the joint in time. Indeed, without proper diagnosis and treatment, the problem that caused the pain can worsen and lead to irreversible consequences.


For example, coxarthrosis at the last stage is not amenable to conservative treatment. Any load will only worsen the condition of a person. Over time, he will not be able to stand up without help, and painkillers will become part of his life. The only way out of the situation will be endoprosthetics.


Any advanced disease of the hip joint is discomfort, limited range of motion, lameness, etc. But if you see a doctor in time, feeling pain in the hip joint, the problem can be solved. 

When to See a Doctor for Hip Pain?

– As soon as you feel pain. Especially if it is accompanied by redness, swelling in the hip joint. The longer you endure pain, the more your joint and your nervous system suffer.

How can you relieve hip pain?

– The method of anesthesia should be prescribed by a doctor. Self-medication can cause unpleasant side effects. Usually, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are used to relieve pain. In some cases, injection of the drug directly into the joint area (blockade) is required, but this procedure must be performed by a physician. For home use, the doctor may recommend ointments and creams with analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects. 


Massage, therapeutic exercises, acupuncture, myostimulation – all these methods are good for treating the hip joint, but only after acute pain has been relieved.


  1. Olyunin Yu.A. Pain in the hip joint // Modern rheumatology. – No. 2, 2013. – P. 36–39.
  2. Diseases of the joints. Guide for doctors. Edited by V. I. Mazurov. St. Petersburg. SpecLit. 2008
  3. Endoprosthetics of the hip joint. Answers to all questions. A.P. Wednesday

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