Pain in the big toes and in the bone on the leg (bumps)

Causes and symptoms of pain in the big toes

Pain in the big toes and in the bone on the leg (bumps)

Vascular pathology, arthritis, arthrosis are the most common causes of pain in the toes and the formation of bumps on the foot.

Causes of pain in the toes

As a rule, pain in the big toes accompanies reactive or psoriatic arthritis, as well as true gout, which occurs only in men. Women are much more likely to develop arthrosis of the big toe, which is due to fashion trends that force them to wear narrow, tight, uncomfortable shoes. 

As a result of forced compression of the big toe, it is strongly deformed and deviates inward, closely adjacent to the second toe. Because of this, the bone begins to protrude unnecessarily, being even more injured during movement. Gradually, the deformation affects the entire joint, it thickens and noticeably expands, movement is difficult.

Morton’s neuroma is another fairly common cause of toe pain, predominantly in women. As a result of constant friction and infringement of nerve endings, the nerve becomes inflamed and starts to hurt, which is also due to a frivolous attitude to one’s health and following fashion trends in choosing shoes. diabetes mellitus can also cause pain in the toes, a violation of nervous activity and blood circulation in this disease provokes pain. 

In the etiology of the appearance of bumps on the legs, a complex of reasons is distinguished, among which mechanical factors and a hereditary predisposition to foot deformities (weakness of the ligamentous apparatus) predominate. There is a possibility of bumps after injuries or various neuromuscular disorders; in people with flat feet.

Symptoms of toe pain

At the initial stage of arthrosis of the big toe, all deformities can be reversible. If the treatment is not started on time, then the process is aggravated, the thumb is so strongly fixed in the pathological position that it is almost impossible to return it to its original position. The inflammatory process of the periarticular bag joins, which is subjected to constant friction and additional injury. As a result, the joint turns red, swells, and periodic pain is noted at the slightest touch.

Gradually, the thumb displaces the second toe with its pressure, and then the third toe, a combined deformity of the entire foot develops, which is very difficult to treat.

With Morton’s neuroma, it is not the toes that hurt, but their bases due to the transferred nerve.

Due to regular injury and pinching of the nerve with narrow tight shoes, the nerve becomes inflamed, increases in size and begins to hurt. A typical symptom is pain at the base of the fingers, aggravated by long walking or heavy lifting.

With further development of the disease, pain may be present in adjacent fingers and calf muscles.

Diabetes mellitus gradually leads to an increase in the activity of nerve endings and circulatory disorders, which is manifested by a strong burning sensation in the foot, usually at night. Pain in the thumb, which occurs during movement or due to hypothermia, usually indicates diseases of the arteries of the lower extremities. The highest probability of detecting such diseases in smokers, those who abuse alcohol and patients with metabolic disorders.

Diseases of the arteries of the legs include obliterating endarteritis and atherosclerosis of the arteries of the lower extremities. Normal blood circulation is disturbed, which leads to oxygen starvation and the appearance of pain in the fingers and feet.

Diagnosis of pain in the toes

The examination algorithm is compiled on the basis of an objective external examination and a thorough history taking. The survey takes into account factors such as heredity, foot injuries, joint diseases. In addition to standard research methods, an X-ray is prescribed, which allows you to see a specific pathology. Serological blood test reveals rheumatoid diseases. Angiographic examination is prescribed for suspected vascular pathology.

Treatment for toe pain

As a rule, timely treatment can significantly reduce or completely remove the pain syndrome. In addition, it is very important to establish the cause, which may be due to a serious illness. First of all, you should consult a doctor. If pain in the toes is a manifestation of rheumatoid diseases, then anti-inflammatory treatment, corticosteroid drugs are prescribed. Manual therapy and physiotherapy are widely used, including therapeutic massage, physical education, and massage.

If pain in the toes is the result of mechanical factors or injuries, it is recommended to eliminate these causes, for example, replace tight shoes with looser and more comfortable shoes with special orthopedic inserts. In case of vascular diseases or diabetes, it is advisable to follow a diet and control your weight.

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