Pain in the back and in the body… Physiotherapist or osteopath?

Pain in the back and in the body… Physiotherapist or osteopath?

While the physiotherapist (or kinesiologist) tends to rehabilitate a damaged part of the body at the muscular or articular level (sprain, crack) and to relieve the pain by massages (we speak of massage therapist in Canada), the osteopath works for him all over the body. He feels the body in order to detect tensions or imbalances that can cause certain inconveniences or certain diseases.

If the cause of the pain is known for sure (such as the after-effect of an accident), it is better to go see a physiotherapist who will be exactly what type of massage or exercise to apply. On the other hand, if the origin is more vague, the osteopath can be a good way to identify the cause of the pain and to remedy it.

Physiotherapy being part of the paramedical field, means “treatment by movement”. Osteopathy, considered as an unconventional medicine, allows, by working on the different parts of the patient’s body, to relieve ailments such as depression, tinnitus, functional intestinal disorders (constipation, heartburn, etc. ). One to three sessions is generally sufficient to remedy the problem for which the patient consults, while physiotherapy sessions are often done at a rate of 5 to 10 sessions at least.

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