Pain, cut, fever, diarrhea. Four nightmares that can effectively prevent us from spending our spring and summer trips carefree
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The spring-summer aura outside the window is conducive to trips and time spent in nature. However, walking and cycling adventures are often accompanied by minor accidents, including aches, cuts, digestive ailments and fever. What should be in a backpack so as not to spoil your holiday plans?

Four nightmares of spring and summer trips

In spring and summer, we are much more likely to spend time in nature. Most often, we choose long hiking tours in the surrounding parks and forests, take a slightly dusty bicycle from the basement or decide to climb the mountain. And that’s good, because exercise is not only conducive to keeping a slim figure, but also causes the release of endorphins, i.e. happiness hormones. However, it is worth remembering that regardless of the circumstances, during active rest, a minor, unfortunate accident may occur, which will significantly reduce the quality of our relaxation. The most common ailments during spring and summer trips include:

  1. headache, toothache, muscle pain, backache,
  2. minor cuts, scratches, insect bites,
  3. digestive problems, including diarrhea
  4. fever.

All these ailments do not have to spoil our recreational plans. It is enough to equip your home first aid kit early and pack a few necessary products for your backpack.

Spring and summer first aid kit equipment

Good preparation is the basis for a successful holiday or a short trip out of town. When completing a mobile first aid kit, one must not forget about:

  1. painkillers – there are many over-the-counter preparations on the market. Those with analgesic properties contain paracetamol, while additional antipyretic and anti-inflammatory effects can be found in agents containing, for example, ibuprofen. However, it is worth remembering to read the package leaflet and not to exceed the recommended daily doses of the drug,
  2. preparations for diarrhea – in their composition they contain, among others Dioctane smectin. It is a quick help in a situation where we experience sudden digestive problems,
  3. means for disinfecting wounds – minor cuts are one of the most common so-called unpleasant surprises during spring and summer accidents. First, the wound should be cleaned and disinfected, and then a gel preparation should be applied, which will not only protect against infection, but also accelerate healing and scar formation. Doing so will reduce pain and the dressing will not stick to the wound,
  4. sterile bandages and patches,
  5. cooling gels, 
  6. sunscreen creams – it is recommended to apply sunscreen to the skin of the face and body, preferably SPF 50+. This will not only prevent premature aging of the skin, but also the formation of unsightly spots and skin cancer. 

A properly equipped first aid kit will allow us to sleep peacefully and fully enjoy outdoor activities.

Why is it important to decontaminate wounds quickly?

The formation of a wound is associated with the breaking of the continuity of the epidermis, and often also of deeper tissues. In this way, the doors of infection are opened for many pathogenic bacteria, viruses and other pathogens. Microorganisms that live in soil, water or other places can enter the human body and cause severe disease and treatment, including tetanus and gas gangrene. If the wound is not decontaminated quickly enough, symptoms such as high fever, enlarged lymph nodes, body weakness, sleepiness and loss of appetite generally develop after a few days. In extreme cases, wound infections can even lead to death.

It is important not to clean the wound with water alone (which itself can be contaminated). It is necessary to thoroughly wash it with a substance with an antiseptic effect. There are many wound disinfecting products on the market. They differ primarily in the type of active ingredient. The most popular are:

  1. hydrogen peroxide – is the most common product found in home medicine chests. However, it is not as effective as it may seem. Its action is based on the inactivation of only certain strains of bacteria, which makes it a product with a weak antibacterial effect. Moreover, hydrogen peroxide can irritate the skin and cause new tissue to separate from the granulation tissue, which prolongs the wound healing process. Therefore, it is recommended to use hydrogen peroxide only on minor abrasions,
  2. octenidine – is present e.g. in products of the Octenisept line (spray, gel) It has fungicidal, bactericidal (both Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria) and virucidal (studies have shown that it effectively eliminates the SARS-CoV-2 virus causing COVID-19) 1 min. Its advantage is that it accelerates the healing of the epithelium and does not cause its irritation. Research shows its high safety profile. It comes on the market in the form of a spray, gel and cream depending on the needs of the wound and skin.
  3. chlorhexidine – distinguished by its wide application. It is effective against gram-positive bacteria and some viruses. It is most often in the form of a manufactured drug, most often used in hospitals.
  4. salicylic alcohol – it is undoubtedly effective in disinfecting usable surfaces, but it is much less effective on the skin. Its use carries the risk of skin irritation and protein denaturation, which can cause pain.

Octenisept Spray is a proven and effective product for disinfecting wounds and cuts. It is good to have a spray or gel product with you, which allows the active substance (octenidine) to be spread quickly and easily over the wound and around it. It neutralizes pathogenic microorganisms in less than a minute. There is no alcohol in its composition, which reduces the risk of skin irritation and makes cleaning the wound painless.

Octenisept is a proven and effective product. In the first step, the wound is cleaned and disinfected with Octenisept Spray. Then it is worth using Octenisept Gel, which will accelerate healing, reduce pain, prevent the dressing from sticking to the wound, and also reduce scar formation. It is good to have a spray and / or gel product with you, especially during the holidays, because the gel will also be useful for wounds caused by burns, e.g. sunburn. It will allow for quick and easy distribution of the active substance (octenidine) directly on the wound and its surroundings. It neutralizes pathogenic microorganisms in less than a minute. There is no alcohol in its composition, which reduces the risk of skin irritation and makes the application to the wound painless.

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