Pain and burning in the esophagus during pregnancy? Learn effective ways to fight heartburn!
Pain and burning in the esophagus during pregnancy? Learn effective ways to fight heartburn!

It intensifies in the last months of pregnancy and is definitely a troublesome ailment. Heartburn occurs for the same reasons as overweight people. This is because the closer you get to giving birth, the more weight the mother-to-be gains. This causes the esophageal sphincter to weaken, allowing undigested food and stomach acids to pass into the throat. It becomes the cause of a characteristic, burning pain. How to deal with heartburn during pregnancy?

The methods for such ailment must be, above all, safe for the mother and the child. Heartburn here is not caused by the pregnancy itself, it is rather an incorrect lifestyle and improper diet that cause weight gain, usually turn out to be the cause. Of course, the condition itself is not without fault – a pregnant woman produces large amounts of progesterone, which at the same time relaxes the esophageal sphincter, and reflux can be caused by the pressure of the enlarged uterus on the stomach and intestines. However, future mothers are not doomed to suffer after each dish – it is enough to follow certain rules that will minimize the risk of heartburn during pregnancy.

First of all, you should avoid the following products and stimulants:

  • Sweets,
  • carbonated drinks,
  • strong tea,
  • cigarettes,
  • Sweetened and carbonated drinks,
  • alcohol,
  • coffee.

In addition, definitely minimize the consumption of spicy, fatty and – thus – hard to digest foods, and too much onion, which causes the aggravation of symptoms. Heartburn is also aggravated by acidic foods and products, i.e. foods with vinegar, citrus fruits, and even tomato juice. In addition, although it is often recommended to drink mint for stomach ailments, all mint specifics and candies also intensify the symptoms.

The way you eat your meals also matters. If you eat in a semi-sitting position, give it up in favor of sitting upright. Stay like this for some time after eating, because, for example, lying down after a meal also contributes to heartburn.

The sleeping position for a person with heartburn is reclining, or sleeping on the left side with the head at a height of 15 cm. Don’t eat right before bedtime as it can cause acid reflux. What’s more, the last meal of the day should be easily digestible and planned a few hours before bedtime.

It should also be remembered that the most important thing is not to lead to too much overweight during pregnancy. Although this is not the period when we are supposed to lose weight, the weight can jump up to a maximum of 13 to 18 kg, no more. If we gain more weight, it means that our way of eating was wrong, which leads to overweight or obesity, and these are factors definitely conducive to heartburn. To avoid this, eat often and in small portions. Try not to overeat, chew slowly and thoroughly. By following these rules, you will certainly be able to avoid problems with gastroesophageal reflux!

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