Padma basic – indications, dosage, action, side effects

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Padma basic is a plant-based dietary supplement supporting immunity, heart and circulatory system. It is a unique blend of unprocessed herbs from the Himalayas, India, produced in Switzerland according to a Tibetan recipe, available in the form of capsules.

Padma basic – action

Padma Basic supplements the diet with easily digestible ingredients of plant origin: flavonoids, essential oils, tannins – natural antioxidants, i.e. antioxidants – compounds supporting the regeneration processes of the body and slowing down the aging process. Use of Padma Basic supports immunity due to ingredients such as Icelandic moss, licorice root, almond fruit, plantain herb, clove flower.

The camphor content supports the respiratory system, so it is recommended use of Padma Basic after colds, respiratory system diseases, as well as during transitional periods in the year: autumn, winter, during frequent colds and diseases. Padma Basic ingredients such as knotweed herb and marigold flower have a soothing effect in inflammation of the upper respiratory tract, larynx, throat, as well as in acne and other skin lesions, due to the bactericidal effect and supporting the regeneration of the skin and mucosa.

Padma Basic supports blood circulation, is recommended in the presence of tingling and numbness in the limbs, circulatory disorders, in a state of limited mobility, e.g. after operations, or for the elderly.

Padma Basic strengthens the body in times of using antibiotics, times of increased stress, fatigue. Padma Basic it can be used during the convalescence period, as well as by people who want to improve the functioning of blood vessels and strengthen the heart.

Padma Basic – dosage

children: from 4 to 6 years old – 2 capsules a day; from 6 to 10 years old – 3 capsules a day; children from 10 years and adults – 4 capsules a day, preferably before a meal, washed down with water. If you have difficulty swallowing, the capsule can be opened and the contents mixed with water, juice or fruit mousse. Do not exceed the recommended daily dose.

Padma basic – contraindications

The use is not recommended prepared Padma Basic in case of hypersensitivity to any component of the preparation. Do not use in pregnant women.

Padma basic ingredients

Coating – gelatin, costus root, Icelandic moss, Indian honey fruit, cardamom fruit 120 mg, almond fruit 120 mg, red sandalwood, root fruit, aegle sepiar fruit, calcium sulphate, spotted eagle herb, licorice root, plantain herb, knotweed herb, cinquefoil herb, carnation flower, hedychii rhizome, sida cordifolia herb, valerian root, lettuce leaf, calendula flower, natural camphor, anti-caking agent – silicon dioxide. 1 capsule contains: costus root 40 mg, Icelandic moss 40 mg, Indian honey fruit 35 mg, cardamom fruit 30 mg, almond fruit 30 mg, red sandalwood 30 mg, root fruit 25 mg, aegle sepiar fruit 20 mg, calcium sulphate 20 mg (calcium 1% RWS), spotted herb 15 mg, licorice root 15 mg, plantain 15 mg, knotweed herb 15 mg, cinquefoil herb 15 mg, clove flower 12 mg, hedychii link 10 mg, herb sida cordifolia 10 mg, valerian root 10 mg, lettuce leaf 6 mg, calendula flower 5 mg, natural camphor 4 mg.

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