Ackroyd’s new book is dedicated to the Thames. A journey along this sacred river for the British, from source to mouth, turns into a large-scale narrative about the history and culture of England. The Thames as a plot combines a lot of information of various kinds (here, economics, geography, religion, and mythology).
Peter Ackroyd, writer, historian, literary critic, culturologist, is perhaps the most ambitious phenomenon in modern English literature. Author of novels (The House of Dr. Dee, Trial of Elizabeth Cree (B.S.G. -Press, Foreign Literature, 2000), London Writers (Foreigner, 2008), biographies of Dickens, William Blake, Turner, and finally , the book «London. Biography» (Olga Morozova Publishing, 2007), which became a bestseller. Akroyd’s new book is dedicated to the Thames. A journey along this sacred river for the British, from source to mouth, turns into a large-scale narrative about the history and culture of England. The Thames as a plot combines a lot of information of a very different kind (here, economics, and geography, and religion, and mythology. But in addition, this reflection on the river as such, a symbol of eternity and variability, a river that unites space and time and equally speaks of past and present.
Publishing house of Olga Morozova