Ozone therapy for the face. Video
Ozone is a gaseous substance with a characteristic fresh smell and strong oxidizing properties. Many people know that it is good to breathe ozone. However, to rejuvenate the skin of the face, it is much more useful to do injections with it.
Ozone therapy for facial skin
Ozone therapy is one of the methods of skin rejuvenation, which has recently been very popular among the fair sex. It is based on the use of an oxygen-ozone mixture. In this tandem, ozone helps the absorption of oxygen.
The technique provides not only subcutaneous administration of the mixture using injections, but also the external application of ozonized applications, serums, oils and solutions
Intravenous ozone therapy has recently been very popular. It has great healing potential.
Why ozone is good for the skin
Ozone is a modified form of oxygen. They started talking about its medicinal properties at the beginning of the last century. Then this gas began to be actively used in treatment as a strong natural antiseptic. In medicine, ozone is used, which has undergone special purification.
Subsequently, scientists discovered other useful properties of this gas. It is a strong oxidizing agent. Due to this property, this gas is able to force cells to divide intensively. He is also able to enhance the activity of the internal antioxidant system and improve the supply of oxygen to all cells. Due to this, the rejuvenation process takes place.
Intravenous ozone therapy is one of the methods that will not only rejuvenate the skin, but also heal the entire body, increasing immunity
What is the effect of ozone therapy?
Treatments with ozone will help remove puffiness, fine wrinkles, bags under the eyes, improve skin tone and color, and tighten the oval of the face. The course of ozone therapy will not only smooth the skin – it will rejuvenate it at the cellular level. In the absence of visible age-related changes, the procedure will slow down the aging process of the skin. Ozone therapy is successfully used to get rid of insidious cellulite, acne, spider veins and stretch marks.
How is the ozone therapy procedure
The injection method involves the subcutaneous administration of an ozonated solution. This is done using a microscopic needle. The procedure takes 20-40 minutes. To obtain a persistent anti-aging effect, it is necessary to carry out a whole course of ozone therapy. It usually includes 8-10 sessions, which should be done no more than 2-3 times a week. Cosmetologists advise to conduct a course of ozone therapy twice a year. The procedure is recommended from the age of 18.
External methods based on ozone imply the imposition of medical applications, masks, gels, creams, masks on the skin
Their use does not give as quick a result as injections. After external ozone therapy, irritation, flaking and a feeling of tightness of the skin are eliminated, as well as the protective properties of the epidermis are stimulated. It should also be carried out in a course, and not from time to time.
Intravenous ozone therapy, which involves the installation of droppers, has proven itself quite well. It will become a real breath of fresh air for the whole body, and not just for the skin of the face.
Many clinics of aesthetic cosmetology, practicing ozone therapy, often describe the procedure only from the positive side. However, this coin also has a downside. Ozone activates the processes of cell division, including tumor cells. This is the main side effect of the procedure. That is why it is contraindicated in diagnosed oncology. However, sometimes a cancerous tumor is secretive. After a course of ozone therapy, you can accelerate its growth. External and subcutaneous ozone therapy in this regard is relatively safe, which cannot be said about the intravenous technique.
Intravenous and subcutaneous ozone therapy should be performed only by a person with a medical education, and not a simple cosmetologist
Despite a lot of positive reviews, ozone therapy has a number of contraindications.
This rejuvenating procedure will have to be abandoned by those who have the following problems:
- thrombocytopenia
- epilepsy or seizure syndrome
- myocardial infarction
- low pressure
- diseases of the thyroid gland, kidneys and liver
- oncological diseases
- individual intolerance to ozone
Ozone-based procedures should also be abandoned by those who are expecting or feeding a baby. The ideal option is to consult with your doctor before the procedure.
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