- Is it possible to fry oyster mushrooms
- How to cut oyster mushrooms for frying
- How to fry oyster mushrooms
- Fried oyster mushroom recipes
- Delicious quick fried oyster mushroom recipe
- Fried oyster mushrooms with garlic
- Fried oyster mushrooms with champignons
- Fried oyster mushrooms with sour cream
- Fried oyster mushrooms with mayonnaise
- Fried oyster mushrooms with tomato paste
- Fried oyster mushrooms with chicken
- Fried oyster mushrooms in soy sauce
- Fried oyster mushrooms with carrots
- Fried oyster mushrooms with meat
- What to do if oyster mushrooms are bitter after frying
- Calories in fried oyster mushrooms
- Conclusion
Fried oyster mushrooms are easy to prepare, eat quickly, and are liked by almost everyone who loves mushrooms. Citizens can buy oyster mushrooms in a store or at the nearest market, residents of the private sector sometimes grow their own. Dishes prepared from these mushrooms are not only tasty, but also healthy. They are similar in composition to meat, contain proteins, minerals, vitamins, amino acids. True, they are considered a heavy product, but digestion can be improved by adding sour cream or vegetables.

Fried oyster mushrooms can be prepared for the holiday or eaten every day.
Is it possible to fry oyster mushrooms
Frying oyster mushrooms in a pan is the most common cooking method. Moisture is evaporated from them, the volume becomes smaller:
- if only to allow the product – 1,5 times;
- when roasted to a golden color – 2 times.
Mushrooms have a delicate odor and a neutral taste. It is easy to strengthen or change it by adding roots, spices. Most often, when frying, onions, garlic, peppers, sour cream are used. The product goes well with parsley, dill, nutmeg.
Oregano is added to mushrooms if the dish is supposed to be served cold. Thyme and rosemary are good for garnishes.
How to cut oyster mushrooms for frying
To fry oyster mushrooms in a pan, they need to be cut. What the pieces will be depends on the recipe or the preferences of the hostess. You can grind them almost to the state of minced meat or fry them whole. But usually mushrooms are cut into strips, cubes, or medium-sized pieces of arbitrary shape.
They do not need to be cleaned before cooking. It is enough to remove the damaged parts and remains of the mycelium, and then rinse under running water.
How to fry oyster mushrooms
Roasting oyster mushrooms is a very simple procedure. The fact is that if the mushrooms are grown in artificial conditions, that is, they can be raw. Cooking simply changes the taste of the original product. And pays tribute to our fears of eating fresh mushrooms.
Is it possible to fry oyster mushrooms without boiling
It is not necessary to pre-cook these mushrooms. Most housewives send them directly to the pan, unless otherwise provided by the recipe. For your own calm, you can boil the mushrooms for 5 minutes.
How long to fry oyster mushrooms in a pan
The time of frying oyster mushrooms depends on the recipe, the taste preferences of the hostess and her family members. As already noted, heat treatment of these mushrooms is optional. Usually they are fried until the moisture evaporates, then additional ingredients are added, kept on fire for another 5-10 minutes.
With prolonged heat treatment, the mushrooms become harsh, some call them rubbery. But there are people who prefer just such that there is something to chew. A matter of taste. This feature just needs to be taken into account when cooking.
Fried oyster mushroom recipes
From the many recipes for fried oyster mushrooms, it is easy to choose the right one. Busy housewives love these mushrooms because they can be cooked quickly. Experienced chefs create masterpieces in which it is generally difficult to recognize oyster mushrooms. And they don’t have to be complicated or take a long time.
Delicious quick fried oyster mushroom recipe
It is in this recipe that mushrooms are easily confused with chicken. They cook quickly, but you have to use a lot of fat, oyster mushrooms are deep-fried. If olive oil is not affordable, you can take refined sunflower oil. Melted pork fat is recommended only if there are no problems with being overweight.
- oyster mushrooms – 1 kg;
- egg of chicken – 3 pcs .;
- flour – 5 Art. l .;
- bread crumbs – 5 tbsp. l .;
- Vegetable oil – 300 ml;
- salt.
After frying, carcinogens are formed in it, and reuse becomes not only undesirable, but also dangerous.
- In large prepared oyster mushrooms, the cap is separated from the stem. Small ones are used entirely.
- Hats and small mushrooms are boiled for 5 minutes, legs – 10.
- Roll oyster mushrooms first in flour, then dip in egg, then breadcrumbs.
- Fry in a lot of fat.
This is a very tasty recipe, but fried oyster mushrooms need to be served correctly. If they were prepared in vegetable oil, they are consumed cold. Fried in fat is eaten hot. If necessary, mushrooms can be heated in the microwave.
Fried oyster mushrooms with garlic
Another recipe, simple but worthy of the holiday table. The calorie content of such a dish will be high, but they also contain a lot of useful substances, because nuts are included in the composition. By the way, you need to take only walnuts. They are perfectly combined with mushrooms and emphasize their taste.
- oyster mushrooms – 0,5 kg;
- peeled walnuts – 300 g;
- garlic – 2-3 tooth;
- vegetable oil – 2 st. l .;
- vinegar – 3 st. l .;
- salt;
- parsley.
- Mushrooms are coarsely chopped. Fry in a pan until the moisture evaporates completely.
- Nuts are crushed with garlic, herbs and salt. Pour in the vinegar. Stir until smooth.
- Combine with mushrooms. Heat in skillet for 10 minutes, stirring constantly.
The dish can be eaten hot or cold.
Fried oyster mushrooms with champignons
These mushrooms have a different consistency after frying, the taste is slightly different. The combination of oyster mushrooms and champignons in one dish makes it interesting, almost everyone likes it.
- oyster mushrooms – 250 g;
- champignons – 300 g;
- bow – 1 head;
- sour cream – 1 glass;
- salt;
- pepper;
- butter.
- Prepared mushrooms are cut into random pieces.
- First, send the onion to the pan. When it becomes transparent, add oyster mushrooms. Roast until moisture evaporates.
- Add mushrooms. Continue to keep in the pan with constant stirring for 5 minutes.
- Enter sour cream, spices. Fry for another 5-7 minutes.
Fried oyster mushrooms with sour cream
Perhaps this is one of the easiest recipes. Nevertheless, the mushrooms are very tasty, and thanks to sour cream they are better absorbed.
- oyster mushrooms – 0,5 kg;
- sour cream – 1 glass;
- salt;
- pepper;
- fat.
- Mushrooms are cut into strips, fried until golden brown.
- Pour sour cream into the pan, salt, pepper, keep on fire for another 10 minutes.
Fried oyster mushrooms with mayonnaise
Mayonnaise should not be fried. Many housewives neglect this rule. They do not even pay attention to the fact that the sauce separates at high temperatures, becomes very unappetizing in appearance, and smells bad. But this is half the trouble. Such a dish can be harmful to health.
The suggested recipe is very simple. Here the mushrooms are cooked with mayonnaise, which should satisfy fans of the sauce. But it does not heat up, looks beautiful, smells great and sets off the taste of oyster mushrooms.
- oyster mushrooms – 0,6 kg;
- Garlic – 2 cloves;
- mayonnaise – 150 ml;
- salt;
- butter.
You can take less mayonnaise so that it only envelops the mushrooms, or more.
- Mushrooms are cut into arbitrary pieces. Fry until the liquid has completely evaporated.
- Throw on a sieve or colander to drain the fat. Seasoned with mayonnaise and garlic.
You can serve the dish with any greens.
Fried oyster mushrooms with tomato paste
Mushroom goulash, when cooked correctly, can be just as tasty as meat goulash. But tomato paste, although it speeds up digestion, is not very suitable for people with increased secretion of gastric juice, especially in combination with such a heavy product. But if the dish is not cooked every day, nothing bad will happen. You can also add sour cream at the end of frying. Goulash will not be so sour, the taste will become softer and more tender.
- oyster mushrooms – 400 g;
- Bulgarian pepper – 3 pcs .;
- bow – 2 heads;
- garlic – 2 teeth;
- flour – 1 Art. l .;
- tomato paste – 3 st. l .;
- salt;
- pepper;
- fat.
- Sauté chopped onion and garlic in a pan until translucent.
- Add bell pepper cut into large cubes or strips. Fry 5 minutes.
- Divide the oyster mushrooms into several parts. They shouldn’t be small. Add to vegetables. Roast until most of the moisture is gone.
- Add salt, pepper, tomato paste. Sprinkle goulash with flour, mix thoroughly. Simmer for 10 minutes.
Fried oyster mushrooms with chicken
Mushrooms go well with chicken. The dish is prepared quickly, it turns out tasty and satisfying.
- oyster mushrooms – 300 g;
- chicken fillet – 200 g;
- bow – 2 heads;
- carrots – 1 pcs .;
- tomato paste – 2 st. l .;
- greenery;
- pepper;
- salt;
- fat.
- Chicken fillet cut into small pieces. Fry in a pan until half cooked.
- Coarsely grated carrots and chopped onions are added. Fry until the vegetables are lightly browned.
- Enter chopped mushrooms, salt, pepper.
- When almost all the water is gone, add tomato paste and chopped greens. Keep on fire for another 10 minutes.
Fried oyster mushrooms in soy sauce
A simple recipe for an amateur. It is recommended to make a small amount at first – cooking will not take much time. Fried oyster mushrooms with soy sauce, but without meat, have a specific taste. Some people say that this way mushrooms become similar to forest mushrooms, others categorically do not like them.
- oyster mushrooms – 400 g;
- garlic – 2 teeth;
- soy sauce – 2 st. l .;
- fat.
- Mushrooms cut into strips. Fry until the liquid evaporates.
- Season with minced garlic and soy sauce. Keep on fire for 5 minutes with constant stirring.
Fried oyster mushrooms with carrots
It is impossible to pass by such a recipe of Czech cuisine. The dish is delicious and very flavorful.
- oyster mushrooms – 300 g;
- bow – 2 heads;
- carrots – 2 pcs .;
- parsley root – 50 g;
- celery root – 50 g;
- white dry wine – 150 ml;
- flour – 1 tsp with a slide;
- butter;
- pepper;
- sugar;
- salt.
Onions and carrots should be taken in medium size. Parsley and celery roots are fresh. If you take 50 g of dried, they will clog all the flavors.
- Sauté the onion in a pan until translucent. Add finely chopped mushrooms. Roast 5 minutes.
- The roots are crushed into strips, poured into a pan.
- When they become soft, flour is diluted with wine, salt, sugar, pepper are added, poured into vegetables. Let it boil, keep on fire for 5 minutes.
Fried oyster mushrooms with meat
Fried oyster mushrooms in soy sauce with pork are usually classified as Chinese dishes. It is unlikely that they are prepared this way in the Middle Kingdom, it is rather an adapted recipe. But very tasty. But it is not recommended for people with gastrointestinal diseases to eat it, the dish turns out to be too spicy.
- lean pork – 0,4 kg;
- oyster mushrooms – 200 g;
- Bulgarian pepper – 2 pcs.;
- zucchini – 1 pcs.;
- bow – 1 head;
- carrots – 1 pcs .;
- garlic – 3 teeth;
- soy sauce – 50 ml;
- black pepper powder;
- vegetable oil.
- Pork is cut into thin strips. Fry in vegetable oil.
- Mushrooms and vegetables are chopped into strips. Add to meat. Fry until the moisture released by the oyster mushrooms is gone.
- Pepper, enter the garlic passed through the press. Pour in soy sauce. Keep on fire for another 5 minutes with constant stirring.
What to do if oyster mushrooms are bitter after frying
You can cook fried oyster mushrooms, and then find that they are bitter. Most often this happens:
- with old mushrooms;
- if the technology was violated when growing on some substrates;
- when the fruiting bodies are poorly washed;
- mycelium or substrate remained on the legs.
You can prevent the appearance of bitterness in the product by soaking for half an hour in salted water, or by boiling for 15 minutes. But if the mushrooms are already fried, it is impossible to remove bitterness from the finished product, but it is quite possible to disguise it. The best way to do this is:
- sour cream;
- cream;
- soy sauce;
- garlic (the cause of bitterness becomes unclear).
Calories in fried oyster mushrooms
Mushrooms themselves contain only 33 kcal. But during cooking, they are mixed with other products, saturated with frying fat – hence the high nutritional value. It is calculated by multiplying the mass of the ingredients by their calorie content, followed by addition. Knowing the weight and overall nutritional value of the finished dish, it is easy to calculate what it will be like in 100 g of the product.
Fried oyster mushrooms are delicious and nutritious. If they are properly selected and prepared, consumed in the morning, the body will receive amino acids, minerals, proteins and vitamins. Mushrooms can replace meat for vegetarians, or diversify the table during fasting.