Oyster mushrooms covered with white bloom: is it possible to eat

Among the gifts of nature that people use, mushrooms occupy a special place. They contain many vitamins and have excellent taste. In addition, their cultivation does not require large financial and time costs. Therefore, for a long time, many do not miss the opportunity to use mushrooms in the preparation of various dishes for everyday cuisine and delicacies for the holidays. Among more than four hundred varieties used for food, oyster mushrooms are the most common. Unfortunately, like other mushrooms, they are prone to disease. Very often you can find a white coating on oyster mushrooms. It is important to understand whether they can be used and whether such specimens will harm the body.

What is a white coating on oyster mushrooms

Many lovers of mushrooms, having bought oyster mushrooms in a store or taking them out of the refrigerator, are upset when they find white mold on them. It can be located on the base, on the cap, and even in the depths of the fungus. The fate of many such products is the same – a trash can. But do not rush to throw away your favorite product. If it is indeed mold, then it can simply be cut off.

There is a high probability that this white fluff on oyster mushrooms is not a mold, but a mycelium or mycelium from which they appeared. You can calm down – it is not harmful to the human body. Perhaps the mushrooms were allowed to “warm up” and, as usual in nature, they began to grow again. Mycelium and fruiting body are similar in taste.

Fluffy plaque spoils only the appearance of the product, but this does not affect the taste sensations, and during heat treatment it will completely disappear.

Oyster mushrooms covered with white bloom: is it possible to eat

Mycelium often resembles white mold on the fruiting body.

Why do oyster mushrooms form a white coating

If oyster mushrooms are covered with white mold, this indicates that storage conditions have been violated – either in the store where the purchase was made, or at home. Most likely, this product was stored in a plastic bag or under a film, where access to fresh air was limited. And if at home this issue can be taken under control, then the reputation of the store needs to be thought about. It is better to buy forest gifts from a farm or mushroom farm that has a good reputation. Forest oyster mushrooms are stored longer than those obtained by production. Do not forget that they do not like moisture – this shortens the shelf life and can lead to an unpleasant odor.

Comment! If the specimen is overgrown, a white coating may appear on it. Do not worry, it is easily washed off, but it is better to pick or buy oyster mushrooms young.
Healing stem mycelium gooseberries h. 3

Is it possible to eat oyster mushrooms if they have a white coating

Everyone decides for himself whether to eat the product on which the plaque has appeared. If white mold has appeared on oyster mushrooms, it is imperative to smell the fruiting bodies. If the smell does not differ from the usual mushroom and there is no obvious unpleasant odor, then this is mycelium.

It will be enough to thoroughly rinse or clean the white formations from the legs, hats and you can start cooking your favorite dish. But do not forget that heat treatment in such cases is essential. It is quite dangerous to use such a product fresh.

Oyster mushrooms covered with white bloom: is it possible to eat

White plaque can be located on the plates themselves

Important! Mushroom mycelium does not spoil the taste of the dish and is not dangerous to health.

How to avoid the appearance of white bloom on oyster mushrooms

After buying mushrooms, it would be good to eat or process them within the first day, as they are a perishable product. If it is not possible to cook them as early as possible, then you need to remember important points:

  • after opening the polyethylene, store in a dry place for no more than 5 days;
  • transfer the treat from polyethylene into a vacuum package or into a food container where there is air access, you can use an ordinary pan, covering it with a lid or a thick dry towel;
  • in the refrigerator, you can place mushrooms only on the lowest shelf;
  • store in the refrigerator for no more than 10 days at a temperature of 0 to +2 degrees;
  • after storage, prepare your favorite dish with thorough heat treatment.
Comment! Some housewives try to preserve a delicious product by preparing it for a long time. To do this, they prefer to pickle, boil, freeze, salt or dry fruiting bodies.


If there is a white coating on oyster mushrooms, this is not a reason to throw away the product. It is almost impossible to poison these fruiting bodies. If there is no unpleasant odor, a good mushroom aroma is felt, then the white coating is nothing more than mycelium. It is not hazardous to health, does not spoil the taste. The product must be used on the first day after purchase. If the oyster mushrooms in the refrigerator are covered with a white coating, then the storage conditions have been violated. It is necessary to remove light formations and start cooking. It is important to adhere to the rules for storing the product and not keep it in plastic bags.

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