The mushroom season starts their heading for the winter in all sorts of ways. Some types of mushrooms are dried, others are pickled or salted. You can also freeze it. And then in the winter you can always make a salad or cook a fragrant delicious soup.
Oyster mushroom pickling: recipe
How to dry mushrooms for the winter
For drying, take: – honey mushrooms; – porcini mushrooms, they are also called boletus; – chanterelles; – oyster mushrooms; – young boletus and boletus boletus.
Whites are especially good, they retain their color and remain the same light after cooking. You do not need to wash the collected mushrooms, just clean it from debris, scrape off the dark layer on the legs, remove the skirts from the mushrooms. Cut large specimens. Arrange the mushrooms on paper or string and hang in a place shaded from direct sunlight. Cover with gauze to keep out flies. Store dry mushrooms in linen bags.
How to pickle mushrooms
You will need: – mushrooms (boletus, boletus, boletus, honey agarics, oyster mushrooms); – 1 liter of mushroom broth; – 50 ml of 9% vinegar; – 2 tbsp. l. Sahara; – 4 tsp salt; – 2-3 pcs. carnations; – a few peas of black and allspice.
Sort out the mushrooms, peel and wash. Cut into large pieces because they will boil. Cover with water and put on fire. Bring to a boil and drain through a colander. Pour fresh water over the mushrooms and cook for 30 minutes. Then drain the water into a separate bowl and make a marinade out of it. Add the above spices to 1 liter of broth and boil, put mushrooms in the marinade and cook for 15 minutes. Transfer the mushrooms to sterilized jars, cover and place in warm water, shoulder-length, in a large pot to sterilize. After boiling water, sterilize 40 minutes per liter, 20 minutes – half a liter. Roll up and hold upside down under a blanket until it cools.
How to salt mushrooms
Milk mushrooms, mushrooms and similar lamellar mushrooms are suitable for salting. Clean and wash. Place in a tub or enamel pan, sprinkle with spices and salt at the rate of 3% by weight of the mushrooms. Press down with pressure and store in a cool place.
Note that some mushrooms need to be soaked. These are waves, bitters, milk mushrooms, value. Otherwise they will turn out to be bitter
You can shift mushrooms with black currant leaves, cherries, dill, horseradish, and so on.
Mushrooms can be prepared using the hot method. To do this, wash them and cut the large ones in half or into quarters, fill with water and set to cook. When it boils, remove the froth and add the spices. For 1 kg of mushrooms, take 2 tablespoons of non-iodized salt, 2 bay leaves, 2-3 black currant leaves, 4-5 cherry leaves, 3 black and allspice peas, 3 cloves buds. You can also take dill greens. Boil for 30 minutes and transfer to sterile three-liter jars, close with hot plastic lids and refrigerate or store in a cellar.