
Oxyvit for bees, the instruction for which contains information on the method of application, is produced by the company API-SAN LLC. The chemical preparation belongs to the category of low-hazard substances in terms of effects on the human body. Suitable for processing bee hives.


Application in beekeeping

Oxyvit is used to treat foulbrood diseases of bees. Prescribe the drug when symptoms of European and American foulbrood appear. Helps with other diseases of bees. The mechanism of action of the antibiotic is aimed at combating a bacterial infection. Due to vitamin B12, protective processes in the body of the bee are activated.

Composition, form of release

The main active ingredient is oxytetracycline hydrochloride and vitamin B12, the auxiliary element is crystalline glucose.

Oxyvit for bees is produced in the form of a yellow powder with an unpleasant odor. Packed in hermetic sachets of 5 mg.

Pharmacological properties

The main actions of the drug:

  1. Has a bacteriostatic effect.
  2. Oxyvit for bees stops the reproduction of gram-negative and gram-positive microorganisms.

Instructions for use

Spring processing:

  1. The drug is added to the sugar-honey dough (Kandy): 1 g of Oksivita per 1 kg of Kandy. For one family, ½ kg of complementary foods is enough.
  2. Feeding with a sweet solution: 5 g of medicinal powder is diluted in 50 ml of water with a temperature of + 35 ° C. Then the mixture is poured into 10 liters of a sweet solution prepared in advance. The proportions of sugar and water are 1:1.

Summer processing.

  1. Mixture for spraying bees. For 1 g of a chemical, 50 ml of water with a temperature of + 35 ° C is required. The powder is stirred until completely dissolved. After the resulting mixture is stirred in 200 ml of a sugar solution, which is prepared from water and granulated sugar in proportions of 1:4.
  2. To dust honey insects, you will need a mixture: 100 g of powdered sugar and 1 g of Oksivita. Dusting is done evenly. To completely treat one family, you need 6-7 g of powder.


Dosage, application rules

Oxyvit for bees is used in the form of spraying, feeding, dusting. Procedures are not recommended to be combined with pumping honey. Medical measures are taken after the transfer of the family to another, disinfected hive. If possible, the uterus should be replaced.

Important! Processing is repeated with a break of a week. Continue until the symptoms disappear completely. Disinfection of instruments. Burn bee garbage, death.

The dosage of Oksivita for bees is 0,5 g per family with a strength of 10 hives. A more effective method is spraying. Mixture consumption – 100 ml per 1 frame. It is advisable to use a fine spray to enhance the effect.

Side effects, contraindications, restrictions on use

When using Oksivita according to the instructions, negative reactions have not been established. However, 2 weeks before honey is pumped out, treatment with the drug should be stopped.

Warning! While working with the drug, you should follow the rules of personal hygiene. You can not smoke, drink and eat food. The beekeeper must be in gloves and overalls.

Shelf life and storage conditions

Long-term storage of Oksivita for bees is allowed in fully sealed packaging. It is necessary to exclude contact of the drug with food products, feed. Restrict access for children. The room where the drug is stored should be dark and dry. Optimum temperature range + 5-25 °С.

The period of use specified by the manufacturer is 2 years from the date of manufacture.


Oxyvit for bees, the instructions for which will not allow mistakes in the fight against foulbrood diseases, is an effective tool. The chemical product has no contraindications. However, it is necessary to use an antibiotic before or after pumping honey. In the process of processing insects, do not forget about personal protective equipment.


Alexander Olegovich, 46 years old, Kirov
Several times I bought Oxyvit for bees, used it for its intended purpose. Worked great, no side effects. The insects recovered quickly. Mass pestilence after the application was not. In principle, a good option is worth taking.
Dmitry Borisovich, 33 years old, Stavropol
I don’t understand at all why Oxyvit is needed for bees. You can do it without antibiotics. After all, then the remnants of the medicinal substance fall into the honey. The analysis shows the presence of even a microdose. Then it will not be possible to wholesale the product.
Gleb Viktorovich, 51 years old, Sochi
Oxyvit for bees is a quality product. Handles the task quickly. Applied twice by spraying. However, the drug should not be abused. Antibiotic particles in honey can trigger attacks in allergy sufferers. Use only when absolutely necessary.
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