Oxytocin – action, functions, research. Oxytocin and childbirth

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Oxytocin is a hormone produced in the hypothalamus. In women, it causes contraction of the uterus and the muscles of the milk ducts – it facilitates fertilization and the secretion of milk from the mammary glands. In men, oxytocin affects the erection.

What is Oxytocin?

Oxytocin is a hormone and neuropeptide whose name derives from the Greek language and is directly related to its action. The term oxytocin comes from the words oxys i casewhich accurately translate to a quick childbirth. The structure of oxytocin was developed in 1952. Then it was noticed that oxytocin is a peptide that consists of 9 amino acids.

The secretion of oxytocin is not only related to reproduction, but also to estrogens, i.e. female sex hormones. Estrogens not only cause the increased secretion of oxytocin from the pituitary gland, but also stimulate an increase in the number of oxytocin receptors in the brain cells.

See also: How do hormones affect the brains of men and women?

Oxytocin – where is it formed?

Oxytocin is produced in the hypothalamus and is stored and released from the posterior pituitary gland. Oxytocin is released when the nipple receptors are irritated, as well as those of the cervix and vagina.

It is the first hormone that was obtained synthetically. Exogenous oxytocin is used in obstetrics to provoke uterine contractions and speed up labor.

Endocrine system – structure, functions, disorders of the endocrine system

Oxytocin – action

The action of oxytocin is mainly related to childbirth and breastfeeding. In addition, it has properties that stimulate muscle cells to contract. During labor, oxytocin increases uterine contractions. Its secretion is then stimulated by the dilating cervix, which heralds the birth of the baby.

During breastfeeding, oxytocin affects the muscle cells in the food ducts. Human milk is secreted with the participation of oxytocin. During breastfeeding, oxytocin also affects the uterus, which is why some mothers (especially in the early stages of breastfeeding) complain of unpleasant uterine contractions.

Oxytocin and love

The more scientists delve into the science of the human body, the more feelings, including love, seem to be the results of chemical processes, and not magic. It turns out that oxytocin causes some mutual attachment between lovers. The hormone produced in partners during intercourse is designed to make them seem more attractive and even perfect for living together.

Oxytocin released during sex also binds future parents together. First, it stimulates the desire to have a child. Once fertilized, women develop a maternal instinct, and a man develops a sense of paternal duty and willingness to be with his partner. The bond between mother and child is also deepened.

Find out more: Hormones under control, i.e. the hormonal profile for women

Oxytocin for childbirth – oxytocin test

If your due date has passed, the way to induce labor is to have intercourse. During sexual intercourse, oxytocin is released. Due to its regular release into the blood, regular contractions appear, heralding its solution. If natural methods fail, synthetic oxytocin is administered to the pregnant woman in hospital.

In gynecological diagnostics, an oxytocin test is also performed, which is of a diagnostic nature. It consists in administering small doses of oxytocin to the woman via a drip, causing uterine contractions, while controlling the child’s condition with the use of CTG. The test is performed in a hospital setting. Thanks to the oxytocin test, it is possible to assess the condition of the baby and keep it safe during childbirth.

Although the administration of oxytocin is not intended to induce labor, it often leads to it. Administration of oxytocin during pregnancy may sometimes lead to cardiac disorders, heart rate, and even hypoxia, especially in insufficient placenta.

If during the oxytocin test the doctor notices that the fetus reacts improperly, e.g. heart rate drops have been noticed, the test is considered positive, which is an indication for termination of delivery by caesarean section or induction of labor. On the other hand, when the child’s reaction to oxytocin and uterine contractions is normal, the test is considered negative, so there are no contraindications for natural childbirth.

Find out more: When is labor induction necessary?

Oxytocin after childbirth

The function of oxytocin after childbirth is also to induce contractions. This time, however, it is about contracting the uterine muscle. In addition, oxytocin inhibits bleeding during the puerperium. This is because the blood vessels in the uterine wall are also constricted by hormones.

Breastfeeding, during which oxytocin is released, has a positive effect on uterine contraction. The hormone is extremely important when a woman is diagnosed with uterine atony after childbirth, i.e. a state of limited contraction of the uterine muscle. Then it is administered in the form of a drug. Synthetic oxytocin after cesarean delivery was also a common solution. This hormone is also used in the event of an incomplete or complete miscarriage.

Check it out: Postpartum hormones – concentration, lactation, first menstruation

Oxytocin in men

The hormone oxytocin is important for both women and men. During sex, both men and women release oxytocin in the blood, which is why this peptide is often called the “love hormone”.

Oxytocin affects the achievement of orgasm, and in men it also affects the erection. Interestingly, the combination of oxytocin and testosterone causes men to feel tired and sleepy after intercourse.

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Oxytocin – research

There are two indications for testing the concentration of oxytocin in the blood. The first is to assess the readiness of the uterus to contract during labor, and the second is to diagnose lactation disorders. The test result indicates whether an additional dose of oxytocin is required during labor. Too low concentration of oxytocin in the mother’s body may delay or slow down the process of labor.

The material for oxytocin testing is serum. Therefore, it is necessary to collect blood from a vein in the arm.

How to prepare for an oxytocin test? Usually, the test is performed quickly, in case of emergency. Preparation is therefore not possible. However, when the concentration of oxytocin is tested in the case of lactation disorders, it is good if the patient is on an empty stomach.

The test takes a few minutes and the material is sent to the laboratory. You wait a maximum of 1 day for the oxytocin test result. The normal concentration is less than 3,2 IU / L. The examination does not usually cause complications. There may be possibly prolonged bleeding from the skin puncture site or a subcutaneous hematoma due to an incorrect needle insertion. However, these are complications typical of blood collection.

Oxytocin – indications

Oxytocin is used mainly in gynecology and obstetrics. The indications for its administration are primarily:

  1. induction of labor in the event of a pregnancy lasting more than 42 weeks,
  2. haemolytic disease of the fetus, i.e. premature rupture of the fetal bladder,
  3. excessive prolongation of labor,
  4. uterine atony,
  5. preeclampsia,
  6. postpartum bleeding control / post-miscarriage status,
  7. gynecological diagnostics (oxytocin test).
Worth knowing

Two drugs containing oxytocin are available in Poland – Oxytocin-Grindex (solution administered by injection) and Oxytocin-Richter (for administration in a drip).

Oxytocin – dosage

The dosage of oxytocin is individual, as it depends on the response of the mother and the fetus. However, it is assumed that in the case of labor stimulation:

  1. the starting dose of oxytocin is 0,5-4 IU / min, with IU being the international unit (mU),
  2. subsequent doses are increased every 20-40 minutes by 1-2 IU / min, until the correct force of contraction is established.

In controlling postpartum bleeding:

  1. an oxytocin solution consisting of 10 to 40 IU / 1000 ml of soluble anhydrous is used at a rate of 20-40 IU / min by infusion,
  2. sometimes after delivery of the placenta, 5 IU of oxytocin is administered intramuscularly.

Oxytocin in the treatment of incomplete or incomplete miscarriage is administered as follows:

  1. 10 IU of the hormone is administered intravenously as an infusion per 500 ml of isotonic sodium chloride solution or 5%. glucose solution at the rate of 20-40 IU / min.

How to administer oxytocin in the oxytocin test? The usual dosages are as follows:

  1. the first dose is 0,5 IU / min as an intravenous drip infusion,
  2. if necessary, the dose is doubled every 20 minutes, until the effective dose is obtained – most often it is 5-6 IU / min, but a maximum of 20 IU / min,
  3. Oxytocin should be discontinued when 10 moderate uterine contractions lasting 3 to 40 seconds occur within 60 minutes.

Oxytocin – contraindications

Contraindications to the use of oxytocin are:

  1. immature cervix,
  2. prematurity of the fetus or other problems that pose a threat to the child during natural birth,
  3. excessively tense uterus,
  4. a very stretched uterus, e.g. during multiple pregnancies
  5. past treatments on the uterine muscle by the mother,
  6. hypersensitivity to taking oxytocin,
  7. oblique or transverse position of the fetus in relation to the cervix,
  8. large disproportion between the diameter of the mother’s pelvis and the head of the fetus,
  9. abnormally low implantation of the placenta in the uterus,
  10. cardiovascular disorders in the mother’s body,
  11. induction of labor when natural childbirth is inadvisable.

Also read: Everything you want to know about childbirth

Oxytocin – side effects

Oxytocin is valued for its positive effect on shortening the labor time. Nevertheless, its administration raises many doubts due to the side effects, mainly painful contractions. Oxytocin also makes the breaks between successive contractions short, so that the woman in labor does not have time to recover and labor seems more difficult for her, but these effects do not occur in all women who have received oxytocin.

The most common ailments after the administration of oxytocin are:

  1. painful contractions
  2. uterine rupture,
  3. headaches,
  4. feeling of constant muscle tension in the womb (constant contraction),
  5. profuse bleeding from the genital tract,
  6. an allergic reaction to synthetic oxytocin manifested by difficulty breathing, hives, swelling of the tongue, lips, face and throat,
  7. side effects of oxytocin in a child – a temporary disturbance of the heart rhythm.

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