Oxygen therapy is a therapeutic procedure that increases the amount of oxygen in the air you breathe. Oxygen therapy is used in the treatment of many diseases and conditions in which we deal with tissue hypoxia. Very often, oxygen therapy is used in acute conditions and it saves lives. Find out about the indications for oxygen therapy and how to carry it out at home.
What should you know about oxygen therapy?
Oxygen therapy is a therapeutic therapy with the use of oxygen, which is one of the chemical elements of air. Its purpose is to increase the concentration of oxygen in the air that the patient exhales. It is used in patients with respiratory failure caused by chronic lung diseases, including obstructive pulmonary disease. Oxygen therapy can be performed both in a hospital and at home.
Treatment consists in giving the patient a dose of oxygen prescribed by the doctor. Thanks to it, the body returns to its proper state of oxygenation, and you need to know that each cell that builds the body requires a constant supply of oxygen. When no oxygen reaches the brain for 5 minutes, irreversible changes take place. The treatment also improves concentration, heals sleep disorders and speeds up wound healing.
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What are the indications for oxygen therapy?
Oxygen therapy is aimed at people with respiratory failure. Its symptoms include cyanosis, loss of consciousness, shortness of breath, lack of appetite and problems with concentration – patients have impaired functions of internal organs due to hypoxia. Hypoxia can also be caused by ischemic stroke, but also by a lower amount of oxygen in the atmospheric air and a smaller air supply to the lungs or dysfunction of the alveolar-capillary barrier.
Healthy people also benefit from oxygen therapy. Thanks to it, you can speed up the regeneration process after exercise, so it has been used, among others, in bodybuilding. Oxygen therapy also slows down the aging process of cells and facilitates concentration. The oxygen therapy treatment, apart from hospitals, is also offered by biological regeneration centers – many people use it for their well-being. An oxygen concentrator can also be purchased for private use – it will be especially useful for residents of large cities where the air is heavily polluted.
What are the types of oxygen therapy?
There are two types of oxygen therapy – active and passive. The first one involves forcing the gas mixture into the respiratory tract and is used in the most difficult cases, especially when the patient’s life is at risk – oxygen is administered through a respirator. During passive oxygen therapy, the patient independently inhales air enriched with oxygen through a special oxygen mustache – during the procedure, the patient is fully aware of the entire process.
Is home oxygen therapy for everyone?
The physician decides whether a patient qualifies for such treatment. Mostly this group of patients includes people with emphysema, chronic pulmonary obstruction and interstitial lung disease. The indication for home oxygen therapy is lower saturation (below 92%). During the treatment, the patient does not need the nurse’s support, but still should be in constant contact with the doctor.
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How does an oxygen concentrator work?
An oxygen concentrator is a device that separates oxygen from nitrogen and other gases in the air. The device draws air from the environment and enables an oxygen flow of 5 to 10 l / min – however, it depends on the model. The cylinders of the device are filled with zeolite, which takes nitrogen from the air and makes it perfectly moisturized afterwards.
During the cycle, one cylinder of the air concentrator becomes filled with air, and the other, as it pumps oxygen to the rest of the components, is depressurized to atmospheric pressure – as a result, the absorbed nitrogen returns. The working cycle of the device is approx. 18-20 seconds. The patient draws air through the mask and inhales from the air with several times more oxygen than the atmospheric air.
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What should you consider when buying an oxygen concentrator?
First of all, it is worth paying attention to the size and weight of the device. Oxygen concentrators for home use are heavier and larger, while portable models are smaller and lighter. If the user of the device does not want to give up everyday activities and must use an oxygen concentrator, then it is worth considering purchasing a portable version. The size and weight of the portable model should be adjusted to the user’s strength capabilities – this is especially important when the oxygen concentrator is to be used by an elderly person.
There are two types of oxygen concentrators to choose from – stationary and portable. The first of them are more efficient, but at the same time take up much more space than portable models. Stationary devices offer oxygen purity close to 95%, which in turn is impossible or rare among portable models. What’s more, they are powered by energy from an electrical socket, so they can work almost without restrictions.
The greatest advantage of portable oxygen concentrators is mobility. The user can move the device around the house and take it with him on various trips or business trips – portable air concentrators weigh between 2,5 and 8 kg. Despite this, they are not multitasking devices and are primarily aimed at people who want to use them on the go. It is worth knowing that an oxygen concentrator does not have to be bought immediately, as it can also be rented.
Portable oxygen concentrators are also available for use outside the home and are almost as efficient as stationary devices. Their advantage is the possibility of adding additional power. The machine has one limitation – when the patient’s breathing is fast, it takes in more oxygen. Oxygen concentrators are equipped with sensors that check whether they are working properly and whether there has been a deviation from the norm – in the event of a hazard, an alarm is triggered.
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