Oxygen Concentrator

An oxygen concentrator is a device capable of generating 1-10 liters of pure oxygen from indoor air to ensure the vital functions of the human body. It is used for oxygen therapy for serious diseases associated with the heart, blood vessels and respiratory organs.

How does an oxygen concentrator work?

Oxygen is needed for the smooth functioning of organs and systems in the human body. Even with a short-term lack of oxygen (in medicine, this phenomenon is called hypoxia), a person’s immune system worsens, metabolism is disturbed, pain in the muscles appears, nervous breakdowns, migraine, weakness are observed, and mental abilities decrease.

In case of hypoxia, it is very important to quickly replenish the oxygen deficiency, therefore oxygen therapy (oxygen therapy) is recommended. This manipulation is impossible without the use of an oxygen concentrator. The device extracts oxygen from the atmosphere and passes it through special zeolite balls, which are designed to trap nitrogen molecules. The result is a special mixture consisting of 95% oxygen, which enters the diffuser for inhalation.

The device is very simple. It is based on an oxygen generator, which includes 2 zeolite cylinders, each of which is responsible for performing specific actions: one purifies oxygen from nitrogen residues, and the second produces a colorless gas. Nitrogen and other compounds are “released” into the environment. The oxygen concentrator contains a compressor that pumps air into the tanks, a dehumidifier, a humidifier and air filters. Medical devices are connected to the electrical network or run on batteries.

Types of oxygen concentrators

There are several types of oxygen concentrators, they are classified depending on performance (power), type of performance and scope. According to the type of execution, the devices are divided into portable and stationary. According to the scope of application, the devices can be for home and clinical use, as well as universal.

Medical oxygen concentrators are used in ambulance salons, sanatoriums, boarding houses and hospitals. Devices can be designed for different purposes: emergency care; long-term oxygen therapy for diseases of the heart and lungs. In the departments of therapy and operating rooms, stationary devices are used, the productivity of which is 5-10 liters per minute. Portable oxygen concentrators are installed in ambulances.

Universal devices with an average capacity of 1 to 5 liters per minute can be used at home and in stationary conditions, they are also equipped in:

  • sanatoriums;
  • fitness centers;
  • beauty salons.

Devices are used both for the purpose of prevention and for direct treatment. Concentrators for home use are distinguished by a small performance indicator (up to 3 liters per minute). They are small in size and easy to use. With the help of an oxygen concentrator, you can prepare an oxygen cocktail or carry out preventive inhalation at home.

Indications for oxygen therapy

Oxygen therapy is needed for people with diseases of the heart, blood vessels and respiratory system. Inhalations using a concentrated mixture of oxygen are indicated for:

  • respiratory failure;
  • pulmonary hypertension;
  • cystic fibrosis;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • heart failure;
  • COPD
  • violation of blood pressure;
  • low blood hemoglobin;
  • sleep problems, apathy, fatigue.

The doctor prescribes respiratory oxygen therapy to patients, depending on the course and nature of the disease (the duration of one procedure varies from half an hour to 60 minutes).

During inhalation of 95% of a colorless gas, hypoxia that occurs during heart and respiratory failure is compensated, shortness of breath disappears in patients, and the work of the heart, liver and kidneys normalizes. Several sessions of oxygen therapy can restore oxygenation in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.

Studies have shown that with the help of oxygen treatment, the life expectancy of sick people increased by 6-7 years, the likelihood of exacerbations decreased, and the number of patients requiring hospitalization decreased.

Thanks to manipulations, patients experience an improvement in well-being, increased brain and physical activity.

Oxygen concentrators in modern medicine have become a worthy replacement for the cylinders used a few years ago to treat lung diseases. The procedure is needed for people after surgery and during recovery from ailments. Oxygen inhalations strengthen the immune system and speed up the rehabilitation process after complex operations.

Manipulations with the use of an oxygen concentrator are shown not only to sick people, but also to healthy people. This is due to the state of the environment and living in cities where the air is polluted by vehicles and hazardous chemical plants. Therefore, people living in megacities often experience oxygen deficiency. As a result, city dwellers get excessively tired, they develop migraines, drowsiness, irritability, and pallor of the skin. Hypoxia can be eliminated even at home with the help of inhalations and the intake of special cocktails. An oxygen concentrator for home use will be an excellent alternative to pharmacy vitamins and medicines.

Doctors recommend oxygen therapy for children, because during active growth, the child’s body needs an increased supply of oxygen, otherwise there is a risk of weakening the immune system and lower academic performance.

For young children, pediatricians often prescribe oxygen treatment in the form of drinks. A drink based on herbal decoction or juice enriched with oxygen is very healthy and tasty. Oxygenated drinks and inhalations are prescribed:

  • women during childbearing;
  • people involved in various sports;
  • losing weight;
  • smokers;
  • older women and men.

There are no contraindications for oxygen therapy, but it should be carried out only after talking with the doctor. In order to avoid side effects, you should follow the regimen recommended by the doctor, dosage and duration of manipulations.

The use of oxygen drinks is prohibited during exacerbation of diseases of the digestive system, allergic reactions on the skin, diseases of the urinary tract and gallbladder.

With individual sensitivity to the components of the cocktail, its use is also not recommended.

operating rules

The oxygen concentrator can be used only after a detailed study of the instructions. It is not advisable to carry out treatment at home without a doctor’s prescription. It is unacceptable to exceed the recommended doses. Oxygenated drinks are prescribed by a specialist in courses, the duration of which varies from 4 to 5 weeks. For 24 hours you can drink no more than two cocktails. Therapeutic inhalations are carried out exclusively as prescribed by the doctor.

During the operation of the device, you need to follow a few rules: do not place heating appliances near the device, since oxygen is an explosive gas; the device must be located at a distance of at least thirty centimeters from furniture and walls (this is done to ensure unhindered dispersion of the separated gases); a humidifier should be used while inhaling oxygen; nasal cannulas are applied individually. Caring for the concentrator is not difficult – it is enough to replace the filters once a month.

Benefits of an oxygen concentrator

The main advantages of medical equipment are: the safety of the technique; harmlessness of adsorbents; the possibility of automating the procedure; high purity of oxygen; colorless gas produced by molecular filtration; avoiding the use of unsafe compressed gas cylinders.

When buying a device for home treatment, you need to pay attention to its power, oxygen flow saturation, country of origin, functionality, availability of additional functions that ensure ease of operation, a monitor and a remote control to control the device from a distance. This is important, because you are not buying a one-time thing that you don’t mind throwing away if it doesn’t meet your expectations. Therefore, give preference to more expensive models and shop on the websites of professional companies specializing in medical equipment. Be sure to check out the warranty. Usually it is 1-2 years.

Sources of
  1. Zhestkova M.A., Ovsyannikov D.Yu., Daniel-Abu M. Long-term home oxygen therapy in children. Educational and methodological manual for doctors and parents in questions and answers // Neonatology: news, opinions, training. 2019. V. 7. No. 4. S. 93–102. doi: 10.24411/2308-2402-2019-14008
  2. Avdeev S.N. Long-term oxygen therapy in chronic respiratory failure // Intensive care in pulmonology: monograph / ed. A.G. Chuchalin): in 2 vols.

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