Oxycort for bacterial and allergic skin infections. Composition and dosage of the preparation

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Oxycort is a drug that combines the action of two active substances, which are: oxytetracycline and hydrocortisone. Due to the content of these substances in the drug, Oxycort has both antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effects. The antibiotic is mainly used in dermatology to treat bacterial infections and allergic skin diseases. It is available in the form of an ointment and an aerosol intended for external use, topically on the affected skin. How does Oxycort work and how to dose it? What are the indications and contraindications for its use? Can side effects occur during the treatment with Oxycort?

Oxycort – general characteristics of the drug

Oxycort is a preparation used to treat skin diseases caused by bacterial infection. It also has anti-inflammatory properties.

Oxycort is a combined drug consisting of two active substances: oxytetracycline and hydrocortisone.

There are two forms of Oxycort on the market: an ointment and an aerosol. Oxycort is a solid yellow ointment. The aluminum tube contains 10 g of the ointment.

The drug is sold only in stationary pharmacies upon presentation of a prescription issued by a doctor.

The price of Oxycort it is not refundable and we will pay about PLN 22 for a package of ointment.

Oxycort should not be used after the expiry date and should be kept out of the sight and reach of children at temperatures below 25 degrees Celsius.

The entity responsible for the distribution of the drug in Poland is Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyczne Jelfa SA This organization is part of Bausch Health, a recognized, international manufacturer of drugs and medical devices, present on all major markets in the world. The company is one of the largest Polish producers of ointments, as well as the main producer of hormonal and cardiological drugs and vitamin preparations.

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Oxycort – composition and mode of action of the drug

Oxycort is a drug that combines the action of its two active substances.

The first is oxytetracycline which is a tetracycline antibiotic with a broad spectrum of antibacterial activity against gram-positive and gram-negative strains.

The second active ingredient is hydrocortisone which is a corticosteroid with strong anti-inflammatory properties. It causes blood vessels to narrow, reduces redness and swelling, and fights persistent itching.

Oxycort’s mechanism of action consists in inhibiting the synthesis of bacterial proteins. After topical administration, oxytetracycline and hydrocortisone penetrate the circulation to a small extent, having anti-inflammatory, antipruritic and vasoconstrictive effects.

Oxycort comes in two forms and 1 g of suspension (aerosol) contains 9,3 mg of oxytetracycline hydrochloride and 3,1 mg of hydrocortisone, while 1 g of ointment contains 30 mg of oxytetracycline and 10 mg of hydrocortisone acetate. The auxiliary substance of the ointment is white petroleum jelly.

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Oxycort – indications for the use of the drug

Oxycort is a medicine used to treat inflammation of the skin caused by bacterial infections associated with diseases such as:

  1. chronic purulent skin infections (impetigo, furunculosis, folliculitis, multiple abscesses);
  2. purulent complications of allergic skin diseases (urticaria, eczema, scabies);
  3. contact and seborrheic dermatitis;
  4. old psoriasis lesions;
  5. dermatoses, mainly allergic ones;
  6. erythema multiforme;
  7. rose;
  8. Burns;
  9. insect bites.

Oxycort in the form of an aerosol is recommended especially in acute inflammatory conditions accompanied by exudate and in patients with intolerance to the ointment.

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Oxycort – contraindications to the use of the drug

The antibiotic Oxycort, although there are indications for its use, may not always be used in every patient.

The main contraindication to the use of this drug is hypersensitivity, i.e. allergy to the active substances – oxytetracycline or hydrocortisone and other substances present in the composition.

Contraindications to the use of Oxycort also include certain diseases and circumstances that may require the complete discontinuation of this drug or a change in the dosage of the preparation.

The use of Oxycort may require specific check-ups and a careful medical history.

Among the contraindications to the use of Oxycort, the following are distinguished:

  1. fungal infection of the skin;
  2. tuberculous skin infections;
  3. viral skin infections (e.g. chicken pox, herpes simplex);
  4. skin cancer and precancerous conditions;
  5. acne vulgaris and rosacea;
  6. inflammation of the skin around the mouth (dermatitis perioralis);
  7. application on damaged, wounded skin or on mucous membranes;
  8. after preventive vaccinations;
  9. in children and adolescents under 18 years of age.

Due to the lack of studies on the effect of the drug on the course of pregnancy, women who are or are breastfeeding in pregnancy should consult a doctor or pharmacist before using the preparation.

In addition, the drug is prescribed by a prescription to a specific person, so it should not be used in other people who have similar or the same symptoms. Any doubts regarding the use of Oxycort should be consulted with your doctor or pharmacist.

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Oxycort – precautions

Before and during the use of Oxycort, you should follow the precautions, which are included in the package leaflet.

Precautions to keep in mind include:

  1. if irritation symptoms occur, discontinue use of the drug and consult a physician;
  2. if there is no improvement after 7 days of use, contact your doctor, as the acetate contained in the drug hydrocortisone may mask the symptoms of an infection spreading. Your doctor will decide whether the use of the drug should be discontinued;
  3. the drug should not be used continuously for more than 2 weeks;
  4. do not use the drug longer than recommended by the doctor;
  5. long-term use of the drug should be avoided, as long-term use of the drug may cause the development of fungi and bacteria resistant to the antibiotic contained in the drug. If the symptoms of the infection worsen or persist, contact your doctor;
  6. avoid contact of the drug with the eyes and mucous membranes;
  7. ointments around the eyes should not be used, due to the risk of glaucoma or cataracts;
  8. on the skin of the face and on the skin of the armpits and groin, the ointment can be used only when absolutely necessary, due to the increased absorption of the drug through the delicate skin and the greater risk of side effects (vasodilation, dermatitis around the mouth), even after a short use;
  9. the ointment should be used with caution in the already existing atrophy of the subcutaneous tissue, especially in the elderly;
  10. do not use the ointment under occlusive (sealing) dressings, because the epidermis may disappear, stretch marks and superinfections may occur;
  11. the drug should be avoided for a long time or on a large surface of the body, because the hydrocortisone acetate (from the group of corticosteroids) contained in the drug is absorbed through the skin, which may result in systemic side effects characteristic of corticosteroids, including adrenal suppression (e.g. symptoms Cushing’s syndrome, glycosuria, excess blood sugar);
  12. patients with psoriasis should use the drug especially carefully;
  13. contact your doctor if you experience blurred vision or other visual disturbances.

Also, remember not to use Oxycort after the expiry date which is stated on the tube and carton. The expiry date refers to the last day of that month. Medicines should not be disposed of via wastewater or household waste. Ask your pharmacist how to throw away medicines no longer required. Such behavior will help to protect the environment.

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Oxycort – dosage and method of application

Oxycort is a prescription drug and the dosage and use regimen should be strictly adhered to and in accordance with the doctor’s instructions.

The preparation in the form of an ointment is intended for topical application to the skin. The affected, clean and dry area should be covered with a thin layer of ointment 1 to 2 times a day, usually for a period of 1 to 2 weeks.

When the drug is applied to the skin of the face, the treatment period is shortened to a maximum of 1 week. Do not use more than 1 tube of ointment (1g) within 10 week and if the symptoms do not improve or worsen after 7 days, consult a doctor. Moreover, after the application of the ointment, an occlusive dressing should not be applied to the affected area.

With the Oxycort aerosol spray, spray the affected areas of the skin with a stream of aerosol. The spray should be kept approx. 15 – 20 cm from the skin and sprayed for approx. 1 to 3 seconds. The operation should be repeated 2 to 4 times a day, maintaining equal time intervals between the successive sprays of the aerosol. To make it easier to use this form of medicine, keep the container upright and the spray head pointing upwards. In addition, you should take precautions to protect your eyes from the spray and do not inhale the spray.

Always use Oxycort exactly as provided in the package leaflet and according to your doctor’s instructions. Check with your doctor or pharmacist if you are not sure.

If a higher dose of the drug is used or it is used for a long time, or under a sealing dressing and damaged skin, the drug may be absorbed into the blood and cause systemic effects of corticosteroid or oxytetracycline.

If you forget to use Oxycort, do not take a double dose to make up for the forgotten dose. If you have any further questions about the use of this medicine, ask your doctor, pharmacist or nurse.

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Oxycort – side effects

Oxycort, like all medicines, can cause side effects that do not have to occur in every person using this preparation.

It is important to report any suspected adverse reactions after authorization of the medicinal product so that the benefit / risk balance of the medicinal product can be monitored.

The side effects are usually mild and transient, and the expected benefits of the drug are usually greater than the harm resulting from the side effects. Side effects may appear while taking, but also up to several weeks after discontinuing the drug.

The use of the Oxycort antibiotic may be associated with the occurrence of side effects such as:

  1. burning, itching, irritation, dryness or skin atrophy;
  2. contact inflammation of the epidermis;
  3. skin maceration;
  4. acne-like lesions;
  5. inflammation of the skin around the mouth;
  6. stretch marks;
  7. heat rash;
  8. rash;
  9. hirsutism;
  10. skin discoloration;
  11. secondary fungal skin infections;
  12. inflammation of follicle;
  13. allergic reactions;
  14. photosensitivity reactions.

In addition, long-term use of Oxycort or its application to a large area of ​​the skin may lead to systemic side effects of corticosteroids (including adrenal suppression).

Long-term use on the skin of the face may cause skin atrophy and vasodilation.

In addition, long-term use of the drug may lead to superinfection with yeast or resistant strains of bacteria, atrophic skin lesions and steroid acne.

Side effects may occur especially when the patient is using the medicine in the folds of the skin, groin, under an occlusive (sealing) dressing, or when used in children.

If the drug is used in accordance with the instructions, it does not affect psychophysical fitness and the ability to drive or operate machinery.

In the event of any of the above-mentioned side effects of the drug or other side effects not mentioned, immediately contact your doctor or pharmacist. It allows continued monitoring of the benefit / risk balance of the medicinal product.


The occurrence of side effects after the use of Oxycort can be reported directly to the Department of Monitoring Adverse Effects of Medicinal Products, Office for Registration of Medicinal Products, Medical Devices and Biocidal Products, Al. Jerozolimskie 181C, 02-222 Warsaw.

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