Oxycodone Molteni – action, indications, leaflet. Opioid for severe pain

Oxycodone Molteni is a strong opioid, used in patients with cancer pain as well as postoperative pain. It will work well in the case of moderate and very severe pain. The dosage is always selected individually, depending on the severity of pain, as well as the method of administration. Oxycodone Molteni can be given by infusion and injection.

Oxycodone Molteni – action and indications

As Oxycodone Molteni is a very strong opioid, you will need a prescription to get it. Structurally, oxycodone is very similar to codeine, but it is distinguished, among other things, by the presence of a hydroxyl group.

Oxycodone can also be used orally, but in most cases it is administered as an infusion. The bioavailability when administered orally ranges from 60 to 87 percent. If the preparation is used in the form of an injection, it will work much faster and stronger.

Unfortunately, due to the fact that it is a very strong opioid, there are a number of side effects associated with its use. The most common symptoms are euphoria, drowsiness, nausea, constipation and vomiting. Difficulty urinating is also a characteristic symptom. Other side effects include a reduction in testosterone levels and temporary impotence. After long-term use in men, the prostate may even be enlarged.

Unfortunately, Oxycodone Molteni is often the only possible pain therapy option in cancer patients. It is usually used when the patient enters palliative care, which is only intended to improve the patient’s quality of life. This care is intended to relieve and heal the symptoms of a disease that is not currently eligible for treatment. Oxycodone, due to its properties, is mainly used in adults.

Oxycodone Molteni – ulotka

The Oxycodone Molteni leaflet provides us with a lot of valuable information. We should definitely read it before using it. Remember that Oxycodone Molteni is an opioid that, if taken without any grounds, can quickly become addictive.

It is completely unacceptable to administer Oxycodone Molteni to pregnant and lactating women, as this substance crosses the placenta. In addition, only a specialist doctor can decide on the use of an opioid drug.

Long-term use most often causes the development of tolerance and mental and physical dependence. A person who has been regularly receiving opioids for a long time cannot stop overnight as they will develop a drug withdrawal syndrome. Additionally, we should remember that oxycodone may impair psychomotor function, therefore, while using it, you must not drive or operate machinery.

  1. Producent: Molteni
  2. Form, dose, packaging: Solution for injection and infusion 1ml / 2ml / 20ml, 10mg / ml, 1 ampoule / 5 ampoules
  3. Availability category: Available only by Rpw prescription.
  4. Active substance: Oxycodone

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