Oxidative stress promotes cancer. Check how to avoid it!
Oxidative stress promotes cancer. Check how to avoid it!Oxidative stress promotes cancer. Check how to avoid it!

Are you constantly stressed, busy, do you eat poorly? Be careful! Such a lifestyle is conducive to the formation of oxidative stress, i.e. a dangerous state in which we are particularly vulnerable to many diseases, including cancer.

It is otherwise referred to as aerobic load or oxidative stress. It is a state of disturbed balance between antioxidants (i.e. antioxidants) in the body and free radicals that cause aging of the body and contribute to the formation of cancer.

Both free radicals and antioxidants are normal parts of our body’s functioning. They occur naturally in it and take part in many life processes. Nevertheless, an excessive increase in the production of free radicals or a weakening of the work of antioxidants contribute to the formation of oxidative stress.

What diseases does oxygen stress cause?

Too much free radicals in the body is the cause of oxidation of bad cholesterol, vascular damage, which in turn leads to the development of atherosclerosis and related diseases of the circulatory system – coronary artery disease, stroke or heart attack.

In addition, oxidative stress contributes to the oxidation of fatty acids (lipids) of skin cell membranes and structural proteins – e.g. collagen. As a result, we age prematurely – both internally and visually.

What else can it lead to Oxidative stress:

  • Neurodegenerative diseases – Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s,
  • Diseases of the eyes, stomach, urinary system, lungs, kidneys and any other organ or system,
  • Skin diseases – including dangerous melanoma, which is one of the many cancers that oxidative stress leads to,
  • DNA damage that leads to the formation of all cancers.

How to avoid oxidative stress?

The destruction caused by excess free radicals is counteracted by antioxidants. The most important sources of them are those found in food: vitamin C, polyphenols, carotenoids, vitamins A and E.

The most common causes of oxidative stress belong:

  • Environment pollution,
  • Smoking,
  • Living under stress
  • Regular, intense physical effort,
  • Taking certain medications – steroids, antidepressants, contraceptives,
  • Contact with heavy metals through food or car exhaust fumes,
  • Too intense tanning.

Therefore, you should avoid:

  • cigarettes and alcohol,
  • highly processed food,
  • Sprayed and artificially fertilized vegetables and fruits,
  • smoked products,
  • moldy products,
  • cured meat,
  • Burnt and fried dishes.

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