Oxalate kidney stones

Oxalaturia is the process of the formation of crystals from calcium oxalate and ammonium oxalate salts. The appearance of pathology is provoked by violations of the diet and the chemical composition of water. If the patient’s immunity is impaired, he has too concentrated urine – the crystals in the renal calyx are transformed into oxalate stones.

What do oxalate kidney stones look like?

These are formations of an indefinite shape, dark brown or black, with spikes. They are very hard, have an uneven surface, so they often cause bleeding due to damage to the tissues of the urinary system. If oxalate was the culprit of numerous bleeding, it has a dark tint. Light calculi did not damage the tissue.

The size range of oxalate is from a few millimeters to 4 or more centimeters.

With the development of pyelonephritis or with reduced fluid intake, oxalates are transformed into coral-like formations that occupy the entire cavity of the kidney.

Reasons for the formation of oxalates

According to medical research, the following reasons for the formation of oxalate conglomerates are distinguished:

  • Genetic predisposition to the formation of oxalates;

  • Disturbances in the metabolism of oxalic acid in the patient’s body;

  • Lack of magnesium in food and water;

  • Complicated course of diseases of the urinary system;

  • Operations on the digestive tract;

  • Diabetes mellitus, Crohn’s disease, history of pyelonephritis;

  • Frequent stress;

  • Combination of vitamin B deficiency6 with excess vitamin C.

Clinical picture of the presence of oxalate stones

The pronounced symptoms of the presence of oxalates in the kidneys are a signal that it is necessary to undergo an examination, get a doctor’s consultation and treatment.

Symptoms that the kidneys have oxalates:

  • Oxalaturia;

  • Hematuria (presence of blood in the urine);

  • Pain in the lower abdomen, spreading to the lower back, groin, genitals;

  • Impurities of pus in the urine;

  • In a laboratory study – protein and leukocytes in the urine;

  • Frequent urge to urinate;

  • Feeling tired, fatigue.

Indicators of laboratory tests of blood and urine:

  • Elevated levels of oxalates in the blood;

  • Microhematuria;

  • Low proteinuria – up to 0,066%;

  • The content in the urine of oxalate crystals – 200-400 mg, glyoxylic acid and glycolate – up to 100 mg;

  • Moderate tubular dysfunction;

  • Markers of cell membrane instability and increased crystal-forming ability of urine.

For the initial examination, the patient must send daily urine for creatinine, glycolate and oxalates, blood for plasma oxalates.

In preschool children, the presence of oxalates can only be indicated by an attack of renal colic, since oxalate stones form in them asymptomatically.


The usual general analysis of urine is quite informative for the diagnosis of urolithiasis and the chemical composition of stones. Most often these are calcium salts – carbonates, oxalates, phosphates.

Diagnostic measures for the determination of oxalates:

  • X-ray of the kidneys;

  • Ultrasound and kidney scan;

  • Bacterial culture of urine;

  • Contrast urography;

  • Chromocystoscopy;


It is impossible to dissolve oxalates, it is not always possible to crush them because of the extremely dense structure. Large conglomerates are removed during the operation.

Methods of surgical intervention:

  • Endoscopic surgery;

  • Classic open operation.

Microliths and sand are eliminated with the help of conservative therapy to cleanse the urinary system. A system of preventive measures will help prevent the recurrence of stones.

Stages of conservative therapy:

  • Drinking at least 2 liters of liquid to cleanse organs and systems from salts and remove oxalates.

  • Feasible regular physical education to remove sand and microliths. It is most useful to engage in jumping and running.

  • Fulfillment of the doctor’s recommendations – taking medications to remove oxalates and normalize metabolism.


Preparations for dissolving and removing oxalates are selected according to the principle of an integrated approach:

  • Possessing antimicrobial action;

  • Possessing anti-inflammatory properties;

  • Contributing to the dissolution of oxalates and their removal from the body.

If during the examination the patient is diagnosed with an infection, antibacterial agents, sulfonamides are prescribed. Antispasmodics help painlessly accompany the process of removing oxalates, without damaging the urinary tract.

An approximate scheme of drug therapy for the detection of oxalate conglomerates:

  • The drug Blemaren to maintain the pH of urine within the normal range has a wide range of medicinal properties:

    1. Dissolution of oxalates;

    2. Prevention of their occurrence;

    3. Preparation for surgical intervention for the destruction of oxalates;

    4. Improving the efficiency of the operation.

  • Medicines Canephron, Fitolizin, Cyston – help eliminate uric acid;

  • Baralgin, No-shpa relieve pain;

  • Vitamins E, A, B6 serve to prevent the formation of oxalate stones, normalize metabolism.

  • Asparkam and preparations containing magnesium.

Medicinal herbs that dissolve oxalate stones

The removal of oxalates is facilitated by infusions and decoctions of medicinal plants:

  • A mixture of violet and bearberry;

  • nettle leaf;

  • Birch buds and leaves;

  • Black elder;

  • The grass is half-fallen;

  • Peppermint herb.

Cucumber, pumpkin and squash juice is used to soften, grind and remove stones.

Kidney teas and herbal teas that have a diuretic effect:

  • bearberry,

  • Corn silk;

  • knotweed grass;

  • Grass “bear’s ear”.

The use of beet juice is strictly contraindicated in the presence of oxalates.

Diet for oxalate kidney stones

If the balance of oxalic acid is disturbed in the body, there is often a violation of the functioning of the kidneys and dangerous changes in their structure.

Recommended meals

Strictly limited products

  • Boiled lean meat, fish, poultry;

  • Boiled eggs, sausages, sausage;

  • Dairy products (with the exception of increased calcium in the urine, exacerbation of pyelonephritis);

  • Butter and vegetable oil;

  • Unsalted lard;

  • Wheat and rye bread from wholemeal flour, with the addition of bran;

  • Pasta, buckwheat, millet, pearl barley;

  • Rosehip decoctions, dried fruit compote, fruit drinks, kvass;

  • Coffee with milk;

  • Vegetables: pumpkin, turnip, cucumber, cabbage, eggplant, potatoes, peas, red beans;

  • Fruits: bananas, apricots, apples, plums, grapes, watermelons;

  • Nuts.


  • Offal (liver, kidneys, brains), aspic dishes on gelatin;

  • Salty fish;

  • Legumes;

  • Salted cheeses;

  • Strong meat, fish, mushroom broths, sauces;

  • Canned food;

  • Smoked meats;

  • Caviar;

  • Pepper, salt, mustard;

  • Sweets, jam, chocolate;

  • Strong coffee, cocoa;

  • Vegetables: beets, sorrel, spinach, rhubarb, celery, parsley, lettuce;

  • Fruits: pears, strawberries, gooseberries, blueberries, black currants, sour apples;

  • Mushrooms;

  • Pickles.

Basic principles of the therapeutic diet:

  • Introduction to the diet of foods containing calcium;

  • The use of a large amount of water (up to 3 liters), 2 liters of which is pure non-carbonated water;

  • Restriction in the diet of salt, sugar, animal products;

  • Restriction of products containing oxalic acid;

  • The ban on the use of seasonings, pickles and marinades, canned food, alcohol.

The total calorie content of the diet is 2800 calories. Food is taken in small portions, the daily ration is divided into 5 meals. The development of dietary nutrition for a patient with oxalates should be based on data on the state of his health.


To prevent the formation of oxalate stones, it is enough to follow simple rules:

  • Include a sufficient amount of clean water in the diet;

  • Do not overcool;

  • Avoid a sedentary lifestyle, engage in feasible physical education or sports;

  • Correctly build your diet, avoiding foods high in oxalic acid

Which doctor to contact?

Timely diagnosis and rapid removal of oxalate stones from the kidneys will help to avoid serious complications. Such problems are dealt with by a nephrologist, who is a specialized specialist in this field.

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