Ovulation tests – operation and effectiveness. How much does an ovulation test cost? [WE EXPLAIN]

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Ovulation tests are fertility tests, the performance of which allows you to determine the moment of ovulation, i.e. ovulation. This makes it easier to precisely determine the woman’s fertile days, which (according to the manufacturers’ description) can significantly increase the probability of conception. We decided to check if ovulation tests are effective and how much they cost.

Ovulation Test and Menstrual Cycle – Data Relationships

The menstrual cycle is associated with hormonal changes. It lasts an average of 28 days, however, there may be fluctuations – a deviation of 21-32 days is tolerated. Moreover, the cycles are not always regular. It may happen that ovulation will not occur every month (an anovulatory cycle), so it is worth doing fertility tests. Especially when we are trying to have a baby.

The ovulatory process is also called ovulation. During it, the so-called Graff’s follicle that covers the maturing egg, which begins to move towards the fallopian tube – the only place where fertilization can occur (connection to the sperm).

As already mentioned, ovulation usually occurs about 13-15 days before the next bleeding occurs, but the existing deviations and shifts that contradict the claim that fertilization could only occur in the middle of the cycle. The initiation of the ovulation process can be confirmed by characteristic symptoms:

• the appearance of thin, stringy mucus;

• an increase in body temperature by a few degrees (Medel Fertyl ovulation thermometer, order at medonetmarket.pl);

• lower abdominal pain lasting from a few seconds to several hours;

• sore breasts;

• emerging acne lesions (in some women);

• increased libido (not always);

• lesions of the cervix that lean forward and become soft.

Therefore, in order to perform an ovulation test correctly, you should first of all monitor your own body and bear in mind that the regular cycle may be delayed by taking antibiotics or drinking alcohol.

We recommend the Diather ultrasensitive ovulation test – cassette. Order it today and control your ovulation. You can also buy it in a kit with pregnancy tests and an intimate infection test. The test kit for the expectant mother – home cassette tests is available on the Medonet Market. We also recommend a test kit for couples planning a baby – home cassette tests, which include: ovulation test, pregnancy test, male fertility test.

Without ovulation testing, it can be difficult to determine your fertile days. The result of the tests depends on the level of luteinizing (gonadotropic) hormone in the body, thanks to which the corpus luteum is formed. Lutropin is designed to maintain the level of its secretion.

The concentration of the gonadotropic hormone, also known as the LH peak, rises sharply about 24-48 hours before ovulation, i.e. when it reaches its maximum value just before the Graff follicle ruptures. This is when the chances of getting pregnant are greatest.

It is also worth remembering that lutropin tests are performed in both women and men to treat infertility. In women, the test is performed at different stages of the menstrual cycle, so that the result is as accurate as possible and best shows the increase in the level of lutropin just before ovulation and its decrease before bleeding.

Check what are the currently known methods of infertility treatment

Types of ovulation tests

Among the ovulation tests available on the pharmaceutical market are:

strip ovulation test – a special container should be filled with urine (not the first morning). The next step is to insert the test strip into it. The result should appear on it a few minutes after its execution;

stream ovulation test (the so-called stick) – the margin of error for its execution is much lower than in the case of the strip test. There is a special absorbent cap on the stick, on which you must urinate;

plate ovulation test – it is most often used in doctor’s offices. Urine is collected in a special dropper, which is directly applied to the marked place on the test.

Assuming the cycle is going well, the test should be performed a few days before ovulation. Assuming you ovulate on day 14 of your cycle with regular menstruation, the test is best done around day 11, for example.

Before performing the test, carefully read the leaflet in which the instructions were provided. The first thing that is essential is the urine container. It happens that it is attached to the test. If, however, it is not present, the sterile container can be purchased at any pharmacy.

It is best to collect urine during the day (it cannot be the first urine in the morning).

It is worth remembering that limiting fluid consumption before the test is performed will make it easier to detect the hormone. Depending on the type of ovulation test selected, the result should appear approximately 5 minutes after immersing the strip.


Please note that the test is for single use only. Under no circumstances should it be attempted again.

The level of luteinizing hormone in the blood can be determined by the ovulation test. Two stripes should ultimately appear on the selected test (as in the pregnancy test). The first bar should appear first. This is the test strip that indicates that the test has been performed correctly. If it does not appear, you will have to try it again. The second bar is assigned to the hormone. Its intense color means a high level of luteinizing hormone, which translates into the occurrence of ovulation within (maximum) two days.

It is also worth remembering that an ovulation test may also show a false result if the urine was diluted after taking too much fluid. In addition, the hormonal drugs you take, as well as some pituitary diseases, will also affect the positive result.

If there is little LUT, the strip will appear faded in color. Such a result can be interpreted in two ways – the level of luteinizing hormone only increases or we are already ovulating. In this case, the ovulation test should be repeated the next day to be sure.

It is also worth performing the test again if the strip confirming that the test has been carried out correctly did not appear, and the strip informing about lutropin has an intense color. In this case it is not possible to interpret the result.

The ovulation test is not 24% sure, but it does help couples who wish to have a baby. In this case, it is worth remembering that the unfertilized egg dies after 5 hours, while sperm can survive in the reproductive tract for a maximum of 6-XNUMX days. For this reason, couples begin trying for a child in the perovulatory period.


However, if this method does not bring the desired results in the following months, you should visit a specialist doctor who will determine the cause of the inability to become pregnant and conduct appropriate tests.

The effectiveness of ovulation tests

Opinions on the effectiveness of ovulation tests vary. Effectiveness may be limited with an irregular cycle or an anovulatory cycle. Moreover, in the case of polycystic ovary syndrome, the test may not be reliable as the secretion of luteinizing hormone is often irregular.

In a situation where a woman is taking hormonal drugs and trying to conceive, the tests may also show an incorrect result. It should be emphasized that the tests do not confirm the occurrence of ovulation. They can detect it, but it doesn’t have to happen as a last resort.

It should be remembered that the best method of assessing ovulation is ultrasound at the gynecologist.

An ovulation test can confirm that a woman is having or will have fertile days in the next few days. However, this does not mean that a lutropin test should be used as one of the methods of contraception. On the contrary, they can confuse a couple, especially since sperm can survive much longer in a woman’s genital tract.

In addition, ovulation tests are designed primarily for people planning pregnancy, not for those who want to avoid it. An ovulation test can help you approximate the date you start ovulation, but it’s best to use other effective methods of contraception as well.

The price of ovulation tests

The tests can be purchased over the counter at any pharmacy. These are known as the “ovulation test” or the “LH test”. The price of ovulation tests depends on the manufacturer, type and where we buy them. We usually buy strip tests for just over PLN 10, and we will pay about PLN 25 for ovulation streaming tests.

At Medonet Market you can buy the Home Ovulation Test – LH Test. Try its operation.

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