Ovulation test

An ovulation test is a very useful thing and can be useful for every woman. It allows you to accurately determine the days on which the probability of conceiving a child is the highest. Tests of this kind appeared not so long ago, so not all women know about them. They are especially useful for those women who want to get pregnant as soon as possible.

The principle of operation of such a test is quite simple. In every healthy woman, after the usual menstruation, new eggs mature. Most often, one egg begins to mature, but there are times when there are two or more.

Before they mature and exit, noticeable hormonal changes begin in the body. First of all, it’s about hormones. In the blood, the level of hormones that are responsible for the readiness for fertilization increases. One of the hormones is called luteinizing (LH). It can be detected through blood, saliva, and urine tests. You can determine the presence of this hormone at home. If the test is positive, then the egg is mature and ready for fertilization.

Methods for determination

The most favorable time for the test is calculated by the duration of the menstrual cycle. Diagnostics should be carried out within five days, without missing a single one. If a woman’s cycle exceeds 28 days, then testing is carried out 17 days before the start of the next critical days. During the 28 days of the menstrual cycle, the test can be carried out after 11 days from its beginning. If the cycle is irregular, the shortest cycle should be considered as the initial figure. In this case, if the cycle duration is 32 days, then the ovulation test should be carried out from the 15th day, if 26 days, then from the 9th day, if 24 days, then from the 7th day.

Types of tests

There are several types of ovulation tests: test tablet, test strip, inkjet rapid test, portable and digital. Most often, they differ in cost and accuracy. Often, women also need a pregnancy test after determining ovulation, so often ovulation tests are also equipped with strips to determine pregnancy.

The test tablet is a plastic case with windows. In the first window, you need to add a few drops of urine, and in the second window there will be the final result. In time, it takes approximately 2-3 minutes. These tests are more reliable than strip tests.

A special reagent and a control strip are applied to the test strip (strip test). Urine is collected in a clean, dry container, and then the test is lowered for 10 seconds. Then you need to wait for the result, which will be visible in 5-10 minutes. The second strip will appear if the level of luteinizing hormone is high. In addition, it can be seen from the first day of diagnosis, however, one should speak about the exact readiness for conception if both strips are clear and bright.

The portable test is intended for multiple use. This system includes an electronic control device and strips that are immersed in a container of urine. These tests are highly accurate and can be tested regardless of the phase of the menstrual cycle.

An inkjet express test does not require urine sampling, since the device itself is substituted under its jet. The readiness of the result can be assessed after 3-5 minutes.

The digital test is also reusable and requires saliva to perform. This biomaterial changes its properties during menstruation. Such tests always provide the most accurate result and completely eliminate the error. Outwardly, this device is a microscope, and the design is similar to the usual female lipstick. With it, you can see a certain pattern, which is very similar to frost on glass or a fern leaf. It can only be seen before ovulation.

Feature of application

It is important to understand that an ovulation test cannot determine the release of an egg from the ovary. The reaction occurs when hormones in the blood rise. This indicates that ovulation has just occurred, or will occur in the coming hours.

A large amount of hormones in the blood persists throughout the day, so it is recommended to do the test in the morning and evening. Thus, the likelihood of conception is significantly increased. To achieve the most accurate results, it is not recommended to drink before testing. If the digital test is used by a woman on her own, the resulting pattern should be carefully compared with the picture in the instructions.

Test Results

An ovulation test can be negative when the hormone levels drop after ovulation occurs. Also, a positive result should not be expected if there is a lot of time left before ovulation. Of course, you cannot trust the results when the test itself is damaged or expired.

If a woman saw a positive result, she is concerned about the question: when should I start conception?

A positive test indicates that after a few hours the egg is completely ready for fertilization. She retains the ability to fertilize for 24 hours. Immediately start conception after receiving the result is not worth it. It is necessary to wait a little time (5-10 hours) for the egg to leave the ovary.

It is impossible to postpone the moment of fertilization for the deadline, since this process does not take place immediately after intercourse, but only after a couple of hours. During this time, the sperm and the egg can “get” to each other.

Many women are interested in the question of whether an ovulation test can determine the presence of pregnancy. There is an opinion that pregnancy can be detected using an ovulation test almost immediately after conception. In fact, this opinion is erroneous. Everything is explained simply: the test for the presence of pregnancy reacts to the content of human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) in the blood, and to ovulation – to luteinizing hormone.

Based on this information, it can be understood that 2 strips on an ovulation test indicate the approach of a moment favorable for conception.

Some women use these tests as a form of contraception. There is always debate about this method, since checks should be carried out constantly. A positive ovulation test result indicates that you should abstain from sex or use some form of contraception. It should be noted that this method does not give a XNUMX% guarantee of preventing pregnancy.

Ovulation tests can be done an unlimited number of times if finances allow. They are most popular among women who suffer from infertility and cannot see the cherished two stripes for a long time.

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